Pastor Carlton Howell                     

Passionate Sermon and Sibling Support 00:00
The pastor delivered a passionate and emotional sermon, filled with expressions of holiness and a sense of divine presence. They also urged listeners to contact their siblings, indicating a need for mutual support and collaboration. However, the transcript's content and language made summarizing it challenging, as it contained numerous exclamations, repetitions, and unclear statements.
First Corinthians Bible Study Session 07:40
The pastor led a Bible study focusing on the first chapter of First Corinthians. He emphasized the importance of understanding the historical context in which the letter was written, noting that the city of Corinth was a major trade hub and entertainment center steeped in pagan worship. The pastor also highlighted key passages from the chapter, particularly verses 1-9 which outline the call of the apostles and the message of Christ crucified. He encouraged attendees to read the chapter ahead of the study to better understand the discussion.
Pastor's Letters and Servant Leadership 16:09
Pastor discussed the differences between letters written to churches and individual pastors, emphasizing the impact of these communications on the entire congregation. The Pastor also discussed the letter to the Corinthians, addressing the issues of division and immoral behavior within the community. Finally, he touched on the concept of servant leadership and its relevance to current issues within Missouri churches.
Authentic Gospel Message and Second Coming 28:38
The pastor discussed the importance of delivering the gospel message authentically without trying to package it in a way that diminishes its power. He emphasized that the message should not be presented in a manner that appeals to the world's values, but rather should convey the truth of the cross and the power of Christ's sacrifice. The pastor also touched on the concept of signs and the second coming of Christ, stating that no one knows the exact day or time, and that the message of the gospel is not about looking for miraculous signs, but about preparing oneself for Christ's return.
Church Challenges and Communication Focus 38:29
The pastor initiated a discussion on the challenges faced by the church and carnival, relating them to the city's background. The team, including Paul, shawn, and the pastor, reflected on the first chapter of First Corinthians, with a focus on the importance of clear and simple communication in religious teachings. Paul underscored the significance of the apostle's mission and the need for careful, loving communication within the church. shawn concurred, highlighting the power of simplicity and the danger of attempting to make something sound better than it is. The pastor stressed the role of the Spirit in understanding the word and the need to let the word speak for itself.
Balancing Simplicity and Accountability in Communication 50:30
The pastor highlighted the necessity of conveying God's Word in a relatable and understandable form while maintaining its power and integrity. He cautioned against oversimplifying or diluting the Word for the sake of simplicity, warning that this could lead to a loss of accountability and a reduction in its impact. The discussion then moved to the concept of accountability in the context of a diluted message, with Paul asking the pastor to elaborate further.
Dilution of the Word and Right vs. Wrong 01:00:14
He used the analogy of mixing sugar and water to illustrate how the dilution of the Word can make it difficult to distinguish between right and wrong. shawn confirmed his understanding of the Pastor's point.
Holy Spirit's Role in Spiritual Growth 01:07:20
shawn and the Pastor discussed the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding believers towards truth and understanding. The Pastor agreed and highlighted the importance of teachers and preachers in spiritual growth, sharing his personal experience. The Pastor stressed the importance of open discussion, mutual respect, and humility within the community of faith. Synthia also spoke about the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding believers to truth and unity, emphasizing the necessity of being open to correction and reproof.
Embracing God's Word and Holy Spirit 01:33:12
The Pastor stressed the importance of adhering to God's word, acknowledging the unique perspectives each member brings to their shared journey. He emphasized that everyone's understanding of the word is different, but it should not be diluted. The Pastor also highlighted the role of the Holy Spirit as the spirit of truth and the necessity of sharing the gospel. The discussion also touched upon the significance of the still, small voice in the Lord's communication and its role in guiding the congregation. Synthia described the experience as a spiritually energized atmosphere followed by a need for introspection and understanding of God's messages. The Pastor concurred, recognizing the presence of one spirit moving within the group.
Unity, Christ, and Holy Spirit in Church 01:41:37
The Pastor focused on the theme of unity in the Church, emphasizing that it is not about loyalty to a leader but about loyalty to Christ. The Pastor also stressed the importance of the Holy Spirit in guiding the Church and its members, warning against being deceived by false teachings.
Preparing for Life's Challenges and Fellowship 01:47:45
The pastor emphasized the importance of being prepared and trained for life's challenges, using the biblical principle of training to fight. He praised the group for their readiness to share God's glory and discussed the upcoming discussion on First Corinthians. The pastor also shared personal updates, expressed gratitude for the congregation's support, and encouraged mutual fellowship.


The team also engaged in discussions on the challenges faced by the church, the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding believers, and the necessity of maintaining the power and integrity of the Word. Lastly, the theme of unity in the Church was emphasized, and the importance of being prepared and trained for life’s challenges was highlighted.

Next Steps
1. The pastor will lead a Bible study on the book of First Corinthians, focusing on chapters 1-2, to enhance the congregation’s understanding of the text.
2. The pastor will provide historical context and explain the difference between episcopal and pastoral letters to help the congregation better understand the content of the letters.
3. Pastor will update the prayer list with the latest information on Miss Connie’s condition.

Pastor Carlton Howell

Oh, grace and peace to you all.

Go ahead. Text your brothers and sisters. Let them know that we are on.

It is time for our Bible study. We’re going to be studying the word of God tonight. We’re going to be looking at first Corinthians chapter one.

We’re going to start walking through the book of the first and second books of Corinthians and taking a look at them and trying to break them down. I’m not sure if I’m going to go chapter by chapter, but we’re going to pick out some very interesting chapters and really break them down. But I like to start at the beginning of it.

And so we’ll start at chapter one. And here in chapter one, if I get my mouse to do what I wanted to do. There we go.

In chapter one, we’ll be looking at, of course, the entire chapter. I have it in the English standard, and I’m going to read a couple passages. I’m not going to read it every word, please.

By all means, as we do this, I encourage you to read each chapter, read ahead. You’ll know what we’ll be doing. So we’ll cover a couple of chapters, but I believe it’s going to.

It’ll definitely help us as we move forward in the things of God. First Corinthians chapter one. I’m reading from the English standard version, please.

Whatever version you have. Paul called by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus and our brothers. To the church of God that is in Corinth to those sanctified in Christ Jesus called to be saints together, together with all those in every place called upon the name of the Lord, of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Both their Lord and ours. He says in verse three, grace to you and peace from God, our father in the Lord Jesus Christ. I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given to you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him and in all speech and knowledge, even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you so that you are not lacking any gift.

As you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful by whom you are called into the fellowship of his son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. I appeal to you in verse 10, brothers, by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree.

And that there be no divisions among you. But that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. Or has been reported to me by Chloe’s people that there.

Is quarreling among you, my brothers. What do I mean is that each one of you says, I follow Paul or follow upon Paul’s or I follow Cephas or I follow Christ. Verse 13 is Christ divided.

Was Paul crucified for you or were you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I was that that I baptized none of you except Cyprus and Gaius. So that.

No one may say that you were baptized in my name. I did baptize also the household of Stephens. Beyond that, I do not know whether I baptize anyone else.

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel. And not what words of eloquent wisdom. Least the cross of Christ be in this power.

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing. But to us who are being saved, it is the power of God for it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the discernment of the discerning. I will talk.

Where’s one who is wise? Verse 20 says, where’s the scribe? Where’s the big debater of this age?

Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom. It pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.

For Jews demanded signs. And Greeks seek wisdom. But we preach Christ crucified.

A stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles. But those who are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men.

And the weakness of God is stronger than men. I guess I am going to read Potein. For consider your calling brothers.

That many of you were wise according to worldly standards. But not many were powerful. Not many were of noble birth.

But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise. God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong. God chose what is low and despised in the world.

Even things that are not to bring to nothing things that are. So that no human being may boast in the presence of the Lord. And because of him, you are in Christ Jesus.

Who became to us wisdom from God. Righteousness and sanctification and redemption. So that it is written.

Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. There is a couple things going on here. But let’s look at some historical context.

The Apostle Paul is writing this letter. At the time on the list concerning two parts of Greece. In regards to the place he’s writing this land is a travel through.

It’s a major trade hub. It was a major trade hub. By land and by sea.

So a lot of travel passed through it. It was also a very big entertainment center. And it hosts a lot of the litmus games.

It was a capital of Rome’s province. It was a center of pagan worship. And there was a temple to Aphrodite.

And a thousand more temple prostitutes. It was a city with the gross immoral behavior. And this is all the things that Paul was having to deal with.

In the founding of the church. Of course, we know that Paul is the first person who founded a church there. He traveled there during his second missionary journey.

We see that in Acts chapter 18. He met Aquila and Priscilla. He met those two there.

And he worked in Corinth preaching and making tents for a year and a half. He was joined by Timothy and Silas. And he was faced by much resistance.

And in Acts, this is where he was actually charged before the Jews. He was charged before the Jews. And the case, of course, was thrown out.

They could not, you know, determine. They could not justifiably bring charges towards him. Or prosecute him.

After Paul, Apollos became the next pastor of the church in Corinth. And you see this in Acts chapter 18 through Acts chapter 19. And Paul wrote another letter before 1 Corinthians to correct some areas.

But from what scholars say, that letter was actually lost. In the outline, Paul’s letters are very, very. You’ll know a Pauline letter when you read it in the Bible.

You don’t have to even know it’s Paul that wrote it. If you just read it, you’ll understand. It’s generally set up in the same way.

The outline of the letters are generally the same. You know, there’s a greeting. There’s then who it’s to.

Because it is a letter. So let’s pause. This, when you’re reading these Episcopals.

Well, yeah, Episcopals. These are letters of instructions written to churches. These are.

So you have the Episcopals. And do you have some, you have pastoral letters. A lot of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus are pastoral letters.

They are letters written to pastors. Or those who he is mentoring, those who he is leading. These Episcopals are what is written to the churches.

So when we look at who the letter is for, when we take into context, you know, who’s writing it. Who’s it for? What timeframe are they writing it in?

What is going on? So we understand the context of what is being written. That we may truly understand what is being said.

We can differentiate between a letter that’s written to the individual church. Or a letter that’s written to a pastor. So that would be the difference between me writing, say, a letter to Paul or Cynthia.

Or me receiving a letter from one of the bishops. Versus Grace Church receiving a letter. So that would be for all.

One is for an individual. One is for all. Now, even the ones that are for the individual affects all.

Because he’s writing letters to individuals who are leading churches. So the recipient is the church. And he outlines who the supervisor of it all is.

And of course, that’s God. He gives thanksgiving for the lives. And that’s where Paul’s letter always, you look at 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians.

You even look at 1 Timothy and Titus. You look at the letter of Romans. They all open up with those things.

The greetings. The thanksgiving for God’s work in their lives. And in there you find who the senders are.

Who the recipients are. Always the supervisor is God. Okay.

And then he generally goes into. So you’re looking at the first eight or nine verses. Thanking God for the grace over their lives.

For enriching their lives. For the salvation over their lives. For the gifts in their lives.

For the future work in their lives. So the faithfulness in their lives. But all of these things are happening in such way.

Then we get into the crux. The first major issue that’s going on in the church in Corinth. And this is a call for unity.

Verses 10 through 17. He gives them a call for unity. He lays out the conflict.

He brings forth what the center of the conflict is. And then he comes to a conclusion. There.

He’s writing this to this church. Of course, this is a place that he knows very well. And in his letter.

There he is convinced that they are people of faith. He makes it very clear. That he is convinced that the faith of the Corinthians are genuine.

And he confirms this by the gifts that they have received from God. Which include the gifts of speech and knowledge. They received the gift of speech and knowledge.

So what he’s showing them is that whatever problems they are having. Is not because God has given them what they need. This is very important for us.

As we move through. Because he’s showing them. That in his first 10 verses.

Well, I don’t want to say 10 verses. In verses 10 through 17. From the call to the conclusion.

Of the call for unity. There is. The overarching theme.

If we can look at it. Subjectively. It is that.

They have all that they need. We see this. Verses three of the nine.

They have everything you needed. It’s confirmed in. In what he’s saying to them.

As he opens up. He acknowledges. Those things that God has given to them.

So the problems that they have and the problems that they’re facing. And the things that he is about to address to them in the later coming. Chapters.

It’s not because God has not given to them. The things that they need. He’s already given it to him.

They have. Gifts that include speech. Knowledge.

So they have knowledge. They have. In which they are able to obtain a wisdom that is greater than the wisdom of man.

As they have received. Therefore the Holy spirit. So.

He. In this. I love how Paul does it.

He assures them. Even in what’s going on and the problems they have in the division, the division that is among them that because they’re in Christ Jesus. They will stand blameless before God on the day of the Lord.

And he will sustain them. They have been sanctified. He is reassuring them at this point.

Yes. There are some issues going on. In this church that is literally surrounded by immoral behavior.

It is literally a hub for immoral behavior. It is. A seaport.

It is a port city. It is a trading hub. It is the Venice of the area of the time.

He is addressing. Some reports. And it’s very interesting.

I. I have a newfound understanding. Of the letter that Paul is writing, especially here.

Having lived it. He is addressing reports. He doesn’t have, he doesn’t have firsthand knowledge.

Like he has not seen it. He has not been inside of the debate. Or the debate hall.

The room where the arguments are taking place. But he has been notified. He has received a report.

From someone who he knows. And there is. Brought to his attention.

That there is a division. That there is a dividing faction. Inside of the church.

And. This is told to him by someone who was well-known to him. And he.

There’s these divisions. And there’s a division here. And of course he goes on.

He tells us what’s going on. You know, some say they follow this person. Some say they follow this person.

But Paul urges them here. To be united. Instead of divided.

I think it’s the proverbs. How can two walk together? Unless they first agree.

they have to find, and what he’s saying is they have to find a way to agree with each other and stop defining their faith by a teacher or whom they prefer, and that is to conclude him. When we really look into it, what Paul is saying is the teacher does not matter, the place does not matter, the only thing that matters is God’s Word. Christ cannot and should not be divided.

This is what is being being told to us. Of course, he uses the example of baptism and he’s glad, as he says, I’m glad I didn’t baptize any of you. At least you think you were baptized in my name.

Then he realized, well, yeah, I did baptize a couple people, right? You can tell that as he was writing this letter, he was thinking about the things that he was saying. I didn’t baptize you, well, I baptized this person, I baptized this person, I baptized the household of these people, but other than that, I really don’t know.

I don’t think I baptized, but the point that I’m making and that he is making is that their focus was supposed to be on Christ and not on the human leader who Christ has appointed to lead them as they walk. So a servant leader, as one of my mentors says, a servant leader. Paul then transitions, as we get to verse 18, he transitions by declaring that Christ did not send him to preach a gospel with the eloquent and wise-sounding words to try to persuade people to believe in Christ in the way that would risk emptying the cross of his power.

This is powerful. This is so powerful. When we look at verse, I want to say it’s 18, let me get to it.

Boom, boom, boom, bam, that is not there. Where is it? What did I do with it?

There we go. Yeah, right around 18 for the, yeah, it’s still in verse 17, still verse 17. You know, he said, he did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of his power.

So we’re transitioning here. The cross, he is saying, does not need clever packaging. And this is one of the things, and I’m going to move away and input my own understanding and how I am taking from this, and then we’re going to open up.

I’m almost done. We’ll open up and see what we’re taking, what you all will take from this, and we’ll discuss it. This section right here, really, if you know about the current events in the churches in the state of Missouri, it’s a good speaking point as we look at what the word of God is saying here, what the man of God is speaking and what he is saying.

We have today come up with clever ways to package the gospel of Christ Jesus in order to deliver it to people. And I wonder if unintentionally, I think we have good intentions. I think those who are doing it, they truly have good intentions.

And I don’t, it’s hard because I don’t really believe that anyone’s intention when they’re doing these things are bad. But here as I read the words of Paul, especially in verse 17, because at the time the package was done in baptism, you know, but to preach the gospel. But he wasn’t trying to, he wasn’t sent to preach the gospel and package it in such a way to, that it would diminish the very power of the cross.

Paul is saying that in trying to persuade people to believe in Christ, we should not do it in such a way that would take the, that would leave the power of the gospel empty. The word of God does not need clever packaging. And the cross does not need clever packaging.

He goes and he shows that many people have rejected the faith because, because Christ on the cross, the idea of a crucified savior, a crucified Messiah, or a deity itself is foolish to them. And of course it is foolish to those who are dying of sin. For those who believe and are being saved, the cross, of course, is rightly understood to be the very power of God.

Those who have come to that understanding, it does not need to be packaged. He gives us for that time, the two dominant people of the area, the Jews and the Gentiles. The Jews were one who long waited for a Messiah to come, but not one who was ultimately to be killed as a common criminal on a woman cross, which is highly offensive, which goes against the very things that they said in the Torah.

Curses he who hangs from a tree. They look for miraculous signs. Many of us look up in the sky and what just this month, you know, with the eclipse that covered portions of the United States, a very, very, very, very, very, very small portion of the United States.

I say very, very, very for this simple fact. Someone came to me when I was at work and they said, if the rapture is supposed to happen during the eclipse, are people going to get raptured via time zones? That’s what I always say. Like we get left every time because we hit somewhere first. So, and the person that came, they were not joking. They genuinely had a question. And I looked at them like, are you joking with me?

No. And he said, well, from what they’re saying is at the epoch of the fullness of the eclipse is when the trumpets will sound.But I started thinking, well, the fullness of the eclipse for me is going to be at a different time than somebody over there and over there. But what about the people in North Dakota? They’re not going to have an eclipse.

What about the people in Florida?They’re not going to have a matter of fact, Georgia. She said, so are only the people who are going to be taken is going to be those in the path of the eclipse? And is it going to be at different time zones?

And I chuckled. I told her, I said, I can’t answer that question, but I can tell you that there’s probably more than likely not going to be a rapture during the eclipse. It goes against what the Bible said.

It said it’s going to happen in a twinkle in one eye. It’s going to be quick. It’s going to come like a thief in the night.

If we knew that the rapture was happening tomorrow, that would go against the word of God. So I left it at that. I use that because the Jewish people at the time were looking for a long awaited sign.

Now the Bible does tell us to look out for the signs of the times. It is a warning. Look at what’s going on and prepare yourselves, be clothed, be ready.

Look for the signs. Yes. But the signs that we’re hoping for and the signs that we should be looking for probably are two totally different things.

So they look for miraculous signs of the Messiah to lead Israel to a glorious new age. You see verses 22 through 25, he’s talking about that to freedom, to dominance. The Greeks who valued above all the pursuit of wisdom by human reason and logic, the cross was weird.

It was foolish. Yeah. No one knows a day at hour, not even the sun.

Jesus don’t even know when he coming back. I say this Sunday, if Jesus knew what day and time he was coming back, he would let us know because he loves us so much. He loves us so much.

So to the Greeks who was in the pursuit of knowledge, logic, wisdom, they thought the cross was foolish. What God would serve sinful humans by sacrificing himself, wait, his only son, I’m sorry, his only son that his son may pay for their sins. This is a weak man, they would think. And they really thought that. What kind of God would serve disobedient, sinful humans? One true God above other gods? This is what they were thinking. Paul goes on and he shows that God was pleased to save those who believed, both weak and foolish. The gospel of Christ crucified, in fact, God intentionally chose things and those who were weak and foolish to the world’s eyes. And God will shame the supposed wisdom and the strength of those who have put themselves in high status and rejected the faith of Christ.

The book of 1 Corinthians is one of more of the practical books in the New Testament. Paul writes to a church immersely in a city associated again with trade, but with corruption and immorality. These believers are struggling to properly apply spiritual gifts that they have been given to resist the ungodly practices of the surrounding culture.

They were living just like us in a culture that is defined by its unwillingness to submit to God. Paul’s letter gives instructions for little life concerns such as marriage and spirituality. He deals with certain things even in the church as unity and deals with the importance of unity and gives one of the Bible’s most well-known descriptions of love in chapter 13.

That is 1 Corinthians chapter 1 in a nutshell. Given the background of Carnath and given what we know today, what knowing this knowing this and this is be where our discussion can pick up and I’ll make sure I uh open up my thing here so that I can oh let me see something where where are you all there we go chat okay so thinking about the struggles that the church in Carnath had thinking about the struggles that we have um and knowing the background of the city uh what are some of the similarities oh first before I even ask that question what is your take up what does anybody got a take on 1 Corinthians chapter 1 what is your take on what we read the summary that was given of the first chapter anyone so I thought on this where

Minister Paul Washington (39:51 – 40:42)
you look at it that he is addressing you know a church of that area the importance of the addressment itself that the apostle being charged with a mission by Christ and leading and teaching the people the fact that he took the time to address this not only shows its importance but the fact that he cares so much for the things of Christ that he’s able to proudly speak on the manner in a way that the people at the church of Corinth are going to be able to receive it if that makes sense yes awesome yes yes yes

Pastor Carlton Howell (40:48 – 40:53)
if you got anything Sean I see you looking up

Shawn (40:53 – 45:24)
I think uh kind of like what Paul was saying you know I think how he did it was uh kind of kind of did it in the way how Christ did how Christ spoke to many people you know he spoke with question with question concern you know here I have this deal that I’m hearing or I’m seeing or that I know of uh but yet at the same time you know he showed it with love you know he didn’t just go I can’t believe that you guys are doing this I can’t believe what a b or c or d you know it was more like hey you know this thing is going on and you know and just to show you that it’s going on and and this ain’t to be a part of it I’m I’m glad I wasn’t a part of all this.

Pastor Carlton Howell

right yeah


but at the same time you know he showed you know it’s not like he went up there and gave them reason that they’re wrong and they’re stuck with okay so we’re wrong but where are we wrong you know it’s like hey you’re wrong and and just to show you just how powerful God is you know for them it was the wisdom you know and then he went back to scripture and he’s been back to Jesus now Jesus and uh what uh and you know because Paul knew the Torah really well you know why wouldn’t he do you know he was a Pharisee and right so he the story of David you know he would know the story of Moses you know both being like hey you know we’re we’re we’re nobodies you know at the very beginning and then you know using. David being a nobody in front of his brother you know or even uh was it Joshua you know the story uh or I don’t know if it’s Joshua but the guy who ended up being sold to Joseph he would know the story of Joseph another you know what would be uh presumed as a weak child you know or a weakling amongst his brothers you know he would know all that and uh you know he then reaffirmed how God uses the weakness to stumble the strong you know and so for him talking with him being like hey you know I didn’t come here with eloquent eloquent words you know to tickle your minds and tickle your ears

I came here kind of like how Moses did with a stuttering problem you know just so just so that the word you know the word alone the gospel alone uh shows its power because like it’s like what you said you know uh if we go off uh what you were also stating you know there’s a you know a lot of times people will get lost into hearing what uh eloquent speakers have to say and then they’re just like well you know uh so and so says this well now now you’re finding yourself saying so and so when you should be saying God says words yes yeah God says you know uh just like uh just like you know the uh part of divisions you know divisions you know Christ never uh preached for things uh for church to be divided you know he preached always for unity of the church you know unity of people coming together that’s a whole part of love you know it’s about unity it’s not about division and so when they’re sitting there dividing themselves you know that that brings out that uh that’s not love you know no longer is there that love and so that was a big concern for him I mean I’m also pulling from later on

Pastor Carlton Howell (45:24 – 45:31)
you know I know I know you’re you’re pulling from you’re reading ahead it’s all right we’re gonna be getting there soon anyway


you know it’s like you know um you know that’s that’s uh part of the deals you know but uh I think uh you know he went about it in a good way you know he was like hey you know did Jesus say you know or what is this what Jesus would want you know it’s like uh you know and and how I uh another deal was you know he was like again I’m probably probably went ahead you know uh but uh you know he even talks about how he went to in front of this with his own fear and trembling and uh you know so but that’s that’s my deal. okay so what I asked her is like recently that God can take the most broken person the most messed up person and turn it for his goodness and when I was reading like preach with eloquent wisdom I was like hey Sean it’s like uh we should simplify it if it if it helped people to simplify it because if now like on verse 17 is like simplify it if we have to just uh help the people understand it man because people might get lost in words yeah

Pastor Carlton Howell (47:03 – 49:35)
okay real quick I want you to reiterate what you just said the first part who can take who can take the messed up thing and turn it for the good out of everything that is that simple that is the crux that many people missed in that statement God can take what is meant for evil and turn it for his good the Lord can take be careful my words we have to be careful that we’re not trying to take something that is evil and turn it for the good for God we cannot we can make the word but we can’t really make the word we can give the word in its context clearly and simply to people that they can understand we can we can put it in a form Jesus gave us a formula that Jesus is the awesome storyteller we can take the word without simplifying it without dumbing it down ordering it up and muddying the waters we can give the word in such a way that people can understand the concept but those who have not received the spirit of the Lord how does he do that how did Christ do that parables parables there you go so we do not simplify the word instead give the give God’s word in its totality to people in such a way that they understand it given their circumstance

Pastor Carlton Howell (49:57 – 59:56)
oh it’s Sean’s phone you got like a I don’t know what it’s going there like my ceiling fan oh okay I’m gonna mute you okay oh that ceiling fan is powerful I like it a mighty Russian wind I muted you for a second so um when you when you just just come off mute when you’re ready to speak again um and so I would never say simplify God’s word I would say give God’s word in such a way that it makes it relevant for the person um but does not diminish the power of God’s word because his word is enough and it’s just enough we don’t have to again speak so eloquently or speak ignorantly when it comes to his word we simply have to speak his word what about for those who don’t understand well Christ explained to us why he spoken in parables again they did not understand the mysteries of the kingdom they could not understand how the kingdom functioned as they did not have the spirit of God dwelling within them to give them all truth and so he gave it to them according to what they knew that’s why you see the kingdom of the Lord is like you know the kingdom of the Lord is like he say the kingdom of God is is like and he would say it’s like this oh so a shepherd leading his flock oh okay like a sheep that went astray oh okay all these things start to make sense because his he’s he’s thank you Cynthia expounding on the word he’s putting it into a a form in which we may we could say a simple form but he’s putting it into a form in which we can relate to so today we can talk about how the kingdom is like a whatever you know a job we can we can talk about and show the the similarities to how we operate on a job to those things and how the kingdom operates you know when you look at rulers you know a president or prime minister or whatever how we see fit to listen to the spirit of God as we present the word I wouldn’t say simplifying it I wouldn’t I don’t like simplifying God’s word I like giving God’s word is his word but giving it in such a way that some anyone can understand so telling it in a way that makes it relatable to the person and so God can take whatever he deems necessary to reveal his word how he wants he takes the foolish things to shame the wise he can take what was meant for evil and turn it for his good he can do these things not us and that’s why we’re getting in so much chapter I want to say around 13 starts talking about that we Paul mentions this he is to simply preach the word we are simply to speak the word um where is it back in verse first 17 whether it be speaking in you know you’ve seen them those who they’re very good at speaking and then those who make the word so diluted for simplicity’s sake that no longer is there any accountability in the lives of those who they’re speaking to influencer versus preacher right so you you you have the two extremes of these that we can see in our modern day life and it has a very bad effect on us one is it is so strict and rule stricken and and and and and because but they’re very good speakers they’re very charismatic they they they have people walk off of bridges with them they’re very good but then you also have those who but it takes away from the word of God because now it’s about them in both instances about them but it’s about them not about the word and now the other end of the spectrum you have those who have simplified the word of God to the effect where it’s so diluted that there is no accountability there’s just no accountability Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach not with words of eloquent wisdom lease the cross be emptied of his power in both cases the cross becomes empty it has not lost his power let’s get that right it’s not lost his power but it has lost its effect in the life of the person we’re trying to witness to trying to send the gospel to um but again yes we we should give the word my brother in such a way that even the unlearned can understand it or the person who does not know or has never heard or do not understand can understand it and the big thing i see your hand paul the big thing with with preaching and speaking the gospel and witnessing the gospel is being in tune with the spirit of God to know how in every circumstance to be able to with the full effect and power of God’s word deliver it to someone anyone who has an ear to hear because how i would deliver the word of God to you may not be the same as how i deliver the word of God to your brother or how i would deliver the word of God to my wife or to paul or even how the word of God is delivered when you all come together as one in each way the his word is given in its fullness but for each one is given also in a relatable way and we will all together the same thing has to happen it’s a very interesting thing but i love what you said and i’m not disagreeing with you i’m really big on the choice of words because we don’t i just i just don’t want to simplify um so much that i’ve seen it watered down and not not that that’s what you were saying i’m not saying that please don’t hear what i’m not saying i’m i’m not saying that you were saying to water down the gospel no god no i know you’re saying make it make it easy for them um in such a way maybe make it make it easy to hear that they may receive his word

Minister Paul (59:58 – 1:00:22)
I actually had a legitimate question you mentioned in there that where the diluted message has no accountability can you expand on the word accountability in the aspects of where the loss is in it i guess you could say a diluted word

Pastor Carlton Howell (1:00:23 – 1:07:04)
in a diluted word you lose accountability um in a diluted word the what is right is wrong what the difference between right and wrong the difference between ill moral behavior and moral behavior becomes cloudy okay if if i had sugar and i had water and they were set aside we can definitely tell where the sugar is and where the water is when i start to put the sugar into the water the sugar dilutes it breaks down in the water to where you can’t separate easily the sugar from the water when i dumb down the word of god to such effect that it has no power in a person’s life i’m using dilution of substances in water to where it is where we cannot see the right from wrong we cannot see where individual actions and things that we do go against god be and even though we have gone into the word because it has been diluted from the one who is to be teaching the word to simplify it in in such a way that it is no longer has effect um um but wait there’s there’s there’s scripture to go with this um it’s it’s one that it makes the god makes the word of god in in people’s lives become of no effect it jesus talks about it in the form of tradition in um mark 7 and 13 making the word of god of none effect through your traditions which ye have delivered and many such things you do making thus void the word of god by your your tradition that you have handed down and many such things you do um one other i got another one i’m gonna take y’all to a very familiar passage it comes from um you know apostle paul again in one of his pastoral letters if i can get the i’m using a bible app and it decides that it don’t want to open up half of the books in here now for some reason let me find one okay um second timothy 4 2 to 4 a preach the word he says be ready in season and out of season convince rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and teaching verse 3 for time will come they will not endure sound doctrine but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables the word of god has become of no effect in their lives it’s been muddied up it’s been watered down muddied up being at high place traditions as we see jesus uh talking about these are the ones with the much words the fancy elaborate words then you see here paul is talking to timothy in his pastoral letter and you see the other side that watered down that watered down everything’s okay um everything is awesome everything is cool when you’re part of a team you know go go go nothing you can do it is gonna it’s gonna it’s gonna uh uh uh you you will not pay for any any sin that you do now or forever you could live any way you want to you can have anything you want god is a genie and he’s gonna bless you god is is is is is only there’s no repercussions for actions there are you can you can live how you want to live it’s okay you got the two spectrums um i gave you one from jesus talking about the the muddied up really really high place that paul’s speaking about and then the low but the low is is both are dangerous for the believer the the watered down one is very harder to separate and it’s harder to detect because inside of both they’re true there’s truth inside of both here’s the thing christ is being preached so inside of both there is area for rejoicing paul even says this whether in truth or in um i’m going to say ill content i’ll find a verse in just a second if christ is preached then i rejoice um

Shawn (1:07:06 – 1:09:38)
um sorry uh question yes question statement i think that’s a more important part of where the holy spirit comes in or when and most importantly because those who still are looking for god he will prick their ears or prick their heart and if you are in christ and you have the holy spirit inside of you the holy spirit being your teacher and your comforter will then prick your heart or prick your ears to give you discernment you know if you’re you know if there are things that are are going against you know um you know it’s like it won’t be that loud voice kind of like what you said in uh your deal uh today on the telegram you know where it’s not in the wind it’s not in the deal it’s that small little voice and if you’re able to then hear that small little voice or all of a sudden when something’s going like huh this ain’t right this is right you know this part of the the meal is right but this part of the meal definitely isn’t right you know it’s like when you’re when you’re eating uh some food and uh you you’ve been to a place and uh kind of like i like i went to iraq and so i kind of know what iraqi food tastes like and uh you know the extravagance that they go in and how they eat so somebody was to come up to me with an iraqi meal and be like hey you know here’s an iraqi meal and this is how we eat it and i’m sitting there and i’m going well yeah this is right this is right but that’s not right you know uh same type of way you know the spirit of god will give you that discernment he gives you that teacher and he’s freely willing to give you that discernment as long as you seek for it you that wisdom as he says but how will they know

Pastor Carlton Howell (1:09:41 – 1:09:43)
but how will they know? that’s always been my question when we yes i have the holy spirit and i truly believe they do but how will they know who is speaking how will they know

Shawn (1:10:11 – 1:10:52)
well you can always go into your word i mean you know if you and if you don’t have and if you don’t have the word uh god says uh in his word that the spirit will teach you i mean we can sit there and go into the word and say that too and find that you know oh they know the bible is very clear they won’t let someone teach and it says uh in the bible itself too that the holy spirit is there to teach you and that you know uh if you are seeking the wisdom of god it also says he will

Pastor Carlton Howell (1:10:52 – 1:11:28)
give you that wisdom yes it does so why was teachers sent by christ himself that’s wrong i know i’m i’m not i’m pushing them i’m just pushing them i’m just pushing i love this i’m pushing them it causes us it causes us all to grow let me can

Shawn (1:11:31 – 1:15:38)
um i have the holy spirit y’all have the holy spirit i thought i knew everything i thought the holy spirit was giving me all of the answers but in my calling of whoever i am handmaiden of the lord whatever servant um i rebelled against who god had put in my life to teach me and mentors and here i am now is it nine years ten years um i think not here we are nine years and i have humbled myself completely after going through many trials and testing here we go and i now understand why christ said how will they know unless there’s a teacher or a preacher unless there’s a preacher because my covering as of now right now in this season there were some things that i could and oh paul paul i’m sorry excuse me there’s a lot going on right now in my head paul said that let me let me finish what i’m trying to say yes ma’am i’m giving an example of why i think god put a preacher in my life that i may know there was some things that i could not see there were some things i could not hear now mind you i have holy spirit just like anybody else but god wanted me to learn how to be discipled and it took 10 years for me to finally realize look hothead hardhead you need the multitude of counsels to watch over your soul like the word says they’re in your life to watch over your soul not to lord over the people i say this a lot not to lord over the people but you might not see that wolf that’s over there trying to pray on you and here i am in my prayer closet reading my scriptures studying my bible and we’re saying preacher tonight well we can say any of the five fold i would use a teacher okay teacher preacher says god says this and god says that and god showed me this and god showed me that had i not bowed my knee and humbled myself and not been and got caught up in pride i’m not just gonna say it like it is i’m just gonna be real i probably wouldn’t be alive right now without the teacher the disciple the the person that is discipling me right now in my calling if i did not heed the warnings that were giving to this person through the holy spirit i probably would not be alive today and i’m saying this this is facts i was in the hospital okay about to have about to have they were monitoring me for either a heart attack or a stroke so i’m giving it to y’all from a standpoint of it just happened to me i have the holy spirit and i could not see these things that were going on over here until god used a teacher a preacher to say i’m discipling you now i’m teaching you how to do this right now but let me just tell you this morning right here you need instruction or you’re going

Pastor Carlton Howell (1:15:38 – 1:27:04)
to die okay okay amen i just i understand understand but we’re just getting my feet wet i i know and and i don’t want sean to think that this is no um cross behind is yes the holy is there to lead in god each and every one of us and the holy spirit will lead in god each and every one of us and we have to know how to hear him and of course yes he will lead us into truth and he will lead us into all truth not right now bishop smith please stop i’m not calling any call excuse me i have to i have to mute my stuff um who lead us into all truth the bible specifically jesus tells us this jesus tells us when the spirit of truth comes he will lead us into all truth and he will guide us he will show us that way the prophet jeremiah tells us that god is going to give us passes out the heart of god jesus tells us to observe the things that he has commanded to us and go in the great commission to the disciples jesus tells them to go and teach them um he tells them to teach them in matthew um 20 18 and 20 28 and 20 20 and 20 everything sean i’m gonna be very clear everything sean has said is absolutely correct he is not wrong about any of the things he said i understand that i’m doing this for a reason okay thank you i’m putting i’m taking a little bit of uh of um uh of grace here everything sean i am for those who do not understand i am pushing my brother to to just continue on and really hone in on those things that he has seen that he is witnessing that he is reading that he is developing in his mind this is not and i repeat this is not attack on sean this is my discipling style this is my teaching style means and i know that sean knows this but i need to put that out there so there is no ambiguity everything sean is singing is absolutely correct the bible does say that the holy spirit will lead them and guide them the holy spirit does say that he will rebuke them and put them on proper paths i am tempting also show where christ said not only will he send us the holy spirit but he has also commissioned us who have been walking and us who he has called and anointed and appointed to do the edification of the church to be able to lead and guide those who have the same holy spirit that we have no different he is the same how to lead them to he to be able to differentiate between them speaking the devil speaking and the holy spirit speaking okay um so yes this is why he gave some to be apostles prophets preachers teachers um this is why uh the apostle paul said how will they know unless they have a preacher uh unless someone basically tells them jesus tells us to go and tell them the these things go uh it listens when he says go therefore make disciples in all nations in the great commission baptizing the name of the father son of the holy spirit and teaching them to obey everything i’ve commanded you surely i am with you always um to the very end of age he tells them the holy spirit will be with him he tells them to to to to part uh on the day of um sunday of pentecost when the holy spirit came and and and peter stood up and he spoke it says three thousands received the same holy spirit that you and i have that you are not to to lead us back to god’s word this is why when someone is speaking i tell you go into the word if the same holy spirit is in me that is in you you will see that the word agrees um that that that we can find solace in it uh so yes everything sean is saying is right i am i am in a a pastor carlton thing and and and pulling on sean pulling on his coattails as as my brother would say to just move the conversation along um but yes sean i i love it um i i love these conversations that we’ve always had like this and you’re absolutely right the believer when steve very well will receive instructions from the spirit of god but in our journeys we have seen with even older saints as well with younger saints in the process of sanctification the father will use earthen vessels to help instruct us on the way and those earthen vessels like the apostle paul are being led by the same holy spirit that is in that person and if it if that person who’s being led by the holy spirit who has been sent on assignment and i say sent on assignment who have who has crossed paths um who is who is bumped into you i there’s no coincidences in god i truly believe there’s god um has been sent your way then then the holy spirit that’s in them is going to agree with himself who is in you also so when god has pulled on your coattails for instance wherever you go to speak the word of god’s one whether it be a kind gesture a kind word a loving tone a a simple you know god sent you into someone’s home and they didn’t know you were a man of god but they knew that they were a woman of god the holy spirit dwelt within them and the spirit of the lord placed inside of them a word for you to give you instruction to lead you on your way that he has also already told you that earthen vessel is being used and so in both instances we find that the word of god was correct in them both that’s what i was asking that’s what i was trying to get get you to um but i’m glad for the for ivy because i didn’t want anyone else to think that you know i was saying anyone is wrong i’m simply just pushing pushing pushing the the conversation along as as one of the men in my life who who mentors me says pushing the conversation along i want to push the conversation along we got some others on tonight who has joined they jumped off anyway oh hey mama we had six i said we got some extra and somebody went oh i’m out um i’m a i’m a before i go to cynthia i want to give sean uh the ability to speak his peace because um uh what you said man of god was is awesome i’m loving it that’s why i wanted to keep the conversation going uh but i don’t want any ambiguity you have anything else man i got oh no i’m good right now okay you do know what i’m saying you were pushing you alone being me okay um but like i said you you you’re right in what you’re saying please please do not think that i was saying that you were wrong man i got um please please hear me please hear me from my heart i was not saying that you were wrong i was just pushing the conversation as i do um i do not want your your your your your spirit to to be low in this thinking that uh we do agree as we walk together we do agree um so let your let your let your joy be among you and be be on you and know that that you’re you are right in what you were saying um there is not a disagreement there is there is a broadening of one’s understanding on both end that is able to be accomplished when we are able to sit and take the word and not to opposing viewpoints but be able to speak about two different areas which bring forth the edification of the saint that’s what this is we do understand that that is what this is and that’s what i attempt to do cynthia what do you have woman of god i think i saw your hand up and i think i told you to hold on

Evangelist Synthia (1:27:06 – 1:29:43)
uh yes i did have my hand up um just with everything that we were talking it was one of those things like we we ourselves can be deceived if we’re just alone because the enemy enemy’s goal is to not let us get understanding of the word or to receive revelation and be delivered be set free and that’s why there is there’s so just everything we were talking about tonight it’s more so just like the unity in christ that we all have together is very important and to be there for each other there are people appointed in our lives in our walk at certain times and god knows where he’s placing them it’s up to them to be obedient it’s up to us to be obedient you know and to be able to receive rebukes for proofs and all this stuff and so everything that we were just kind of talking about it made me think about how there’s just that unity and love how we were what we were originally talking about is that love is yeah the holy spirit can come in and teach and rebuke reproof us and everything and then sometimes we can be deceived by satan so bad that we can’t even acknowledge what the holy spirit is saying inside of us and then somebody comes along and bears witness to that and you know because sometimes we can be blinded in an area because we thought we could trust someone because we thought that you know we knew exactly what that part of the bible may have meant or something and that person in your life you know comes in and says hey and you test the spirit by the spirit so you know that this person is coming with the holy spirit so in reality it’s really the holy spirit using that other person to come and teach you you know it’s it’s wonderful how that all works out and how that all plays out um and especially uh it being all done in love you know um and i think i’m nearing my point with that it’s just it’s hard sometimes it’s a very hard concept to grasp sometimes especially when it comes forth and tells you something and then i think the holy spirit come bear witness in you and yes this person is telling the truth so

Pastor Carlton Howell (1:29:45 – 1:40:43)
yeah that’s it again the spirit of god rest in us all and for the edification of the church he has given us those to help us to guide us to do all of us what he did for the prophet elijah be able to still small voice um yes cynthia you’re absolutely right the bible does tell us that satan can disguise himself as an angel of light and for someone they would hear that can be very interesting but i do believe in the power of the spirit of god to lead us to that truth and in leading us to that truth he will put like you said people in our lives still being us first and foremost as sean said and i think one of the pinnacle points that what sean said in in his sentence was and this is what i took from it and everything is leading back to the word if i’m correct that’s what i took everything leading back to god’s word the holy spirit is going to lead you into the world and in the word you’re going to find a refuge so although satan would describe himself as an angle of light you will know it’s the holy spirit because satan is not going to guide you back to god’s word where you will find refuge where the teacher comes in is when the believer is not being led back to the word but they believe they’re being led by the spirit of god because the believer has the spirit of god we all know that the word clearly tells us that you know but what’s leading the believer is not leading them to redemption which we find in god’s word so he’s giving us teachers to edify and so this is why paul says how will they know unless they have teacher um so yes i’m loving it everyone is right i love what everyone is taking from it it’s not division it is a show of one’s journey because our journeys are are like we are unique and although we’re on the same road journeys are also fairly different we’ve all lived different lives and so not that anyone’s perspective is wrong when it leads back to the word again we’re not muddying it up we’re not dumbing it down we’re keeping it right on baseline and that is the word every one of you used god’s word i was sitting here when when sean was talking i had to look up what he was saying go into the commentary and pick something to ask a question for the same with my wife the same with cynthia each one of them each one of you had a word that went by cynthia yours came from second corinthians chapter 11 um what you was talking about and why we have to be so careful satan disguises himself as an angel of light um uh uh you know sean’s came from i had it up but i took it down i was running around when i say john where he talked about the holy spirit being the spirit of truth uh you know i had it up 1613 when the spirit of uh how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatever he hear that he shall speak spirit or truth um he said even uh um he goes on to say uh the world cannot receive him because see if not neither know him but ye know him for he dwelt in you and shall be with you i will not look comfortless i will come to you a little while you won’t see me no more but you see me because i live you shall also live and then at that day you shall know i am in my father and my father in me and not in you um that’s john 14 uh 14 through 20 the emphasis for what um sean was saying is in 17 what i took i can only speak for what i took um um and there there’s some other verses some other verses that i can go to to show that um what ivy was speaking about uh i had it in here ephesians chapter 4 um and in uh romans 10 and 14 verses 11 through 17 so faith come by hearing and hearing by the word of god um verse 14 how shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe on him whom they have not heard how she here without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is and how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace bring glad tidings of good things but they have not all obeyed the gospel so this is where um in with my my brother gade i was saying yes we want to we do want to make the the gospel of christ relevant we don’t want to simply we don’t want to i’ll say simplify because my brother used the word simplified and i don’t want to sound like i’m coming against my brother um we don’t want to water it down um because not all have obeyed and so some people are out there you just you have to be careful and then like my brother sean said that’s where the spirit of god comes into play the spirit of truth um you know so faith come by hearing hearing by the word of god boom all right and then i’m basically summarizing what what what my brothers said and my sisters said and my wife said um lastly lastly um i had it in my head and i think lost it um i had this all outlined i should pull it up i don’t know what i did with it i’m clipping through all my my my notes that i was taking anyway i don’t know i wanted to summarize it up that last portion i was gonna end with what i was saying but i was simply pushing so i commend you all thank you for even challenging me to bring forth this to you um because your ears aren’t itching you’re not itching you don’t have itching ears you’re not running for what makes me feel good but you want to genuinely do right not by me not by anyone else but by the lord and that is the most important thing that is the more important thing and we know that his grace does abound we know that his grace abounds with us we know that the lord is with us and will keep us and he has given us each other to also help us along the way when it’s all said and done as ivy just said it is the still small voice it is the still small voice yes yes any last words we’ve reached the pinnacle of the hour we’ve reached

Evangelist Synthia (1:40:44 – 1:41:17)
almost two hours on hill anyone anyone anyone um it’s kind of like she said uh it’s still the still small voice it’s kind of like how when you go somewhere you’re all hyped up almost like you’re in the spirit and then it’s like all right let’s calm down and let’s let’s go dig in and see what we had actually received what what is god saying about this let’s test it out you know

Pastor Carlton Howell (1:41:29 – 1:50:54)
awesome the overarching theme for first corinthians chapter one is unity not not loyalty to leader but unity of the church it shows the humility of paul as a leader that he unlike many leaders who feel good that their group is loyal to him he wanted them in unity to christ or it’s not a building of a little kingdom it’s this it is the growing of god’s kingdom they and so in knowing this the idea in in the principle behind what we read in the first chapter that irregardless you have the gifts that god has given to you and so i challenge you tonight use the gifts that god has given to you use them well use them good as god makes himself continuously on your life for the edification of the church for the edification of one another that we may be united in the work of the lord each one of us should preach where the spirit of god leads us when i say preach i mean testify i about the goodness of the glory of god in your life it brings unity even in the entertainment centers that we find surrounding ourselves as the early church in church in corinth had let us not be fooled um the bible tells us um give me a second i am getting blown up by those who mentor me in galatians 6 and 7 do not be deceived god is not mocked you reap what you sow paul’s assertion is that god’s word is morally consistent this leads me back to what my brother sean said the holy spirit will guide you to truth trust in the still small voice learn to hear the still small voice know where his voice will lead you he’s not in the fire he’s not in the wind not in the earthquake but he’s in the still small voice don’t be deceived satan will dress himself up as an angel of light and lead you away from his word the holy spirit will always take you to the word of god so no matter if god uses a donkey if god uses you god uses me if the holy spirit is moving in monkey in you and me it will lead the person who is to receive to the word of god ultimately the holy spirit is that he can use whom the father decides he wants to use but each person is being led by the holy spirit even those who are being used amen let that sit well with you all tonight let there be no divisions among you let joy be in your hearts for you all have spoken so greatly about the lord our god about our savior our messiah christ jesus and about how the spirit of god leads i tell you i leave enriched from our conversation tonight i leave motivated to study the word out some more that i may bring um thought-provoking questions and sometimes intentionally guide you to to to to to fight for the faith i rather you fight for the faith in this that when you go to the world you have what you need sean knows what i’m about to say you train how you what you train how you fight it should be harder than the fight you train it should be harder than you fight that’s you should be a model you train how you fight so you have to be ready and know your verses and be ready to go straight to him i love it sean was like here it is my wife like here it is cynthia was like here it is gabe here it is these this is where the word says this you have to be ready in season and out of season to speak of the glory of god and each and every one of you were able to do it and i love it it is awesome all be to the glory of god that you have allowed the spirit of god to lead you in such a way it’s beautiful trust me believe me so much joy is in me for each and every one of you as you yield yourself to the spirit of god tonight and allow him to teach you through each other i’ve learned something from y’all right because you pushed me to so thank you um next week we’re gonna dive into the second and third chapter um we’re gonna dive into second and third chapter of first corinthians um i’m gonna try to be quick in my summary of them and then allow the conversation to go um i’m gonna throw out some rules um you know we we we are very very acknowledging i i love to push but if i’m pushing too much just say hey pastor i know okay okay um i i like to have the conversation going not decisive but i like to challenge someone to move further in in it um so if that happens just let me know i am not disagreeing i’m just getting people to talk with that being said i think um is there any other cynthia spoke her last ivy spoke your last anyone had anything else one last call for blessings for last words does my brother want to say something i see you got up

Gabe (1:50:57 – 1:51:03)
guys no miss connie is doing better so thank god

Pastor Carlton Howell (1:51:08 – 1:54:36)
yes oh we’ve been we prayed for her um i know i looked at her if they’re up this morning um i am so glad to know that she is doing better it is good to know that i am very happy to hear it um who else on our prayer list i love the updates i will update it is it is a blessing i tell you it is a blessing when you when you get an update about someone you’ve been praying to god for and you’ve been interceding for and you get to hear the testimony of the goodness of god in their life um it is encouraging to know that when that that that what we’re praying for that they’re that the goodness of god is we know that the goodness of god is happening don’t get me wrong we know that it’s happening we know that prayers are answered but when we get the testimony the the testimony of the validation that that the prayers are not in vain this such a blessing so thank you so much little brother thank you so much my brother for for letting us all know that miss connie is doing better um and we will continue to lift her up in prayer um continuously um in our private times and publicly thank you for that well mother i see you’re on do you have anything please don’t forget our 3 a.m call my brother i still i’m gonna be waiting on you i forgot i got a 3 a.m appointment sunday morning with someone i’m excited to pray with you in the morning hours please please don’t forget it i still remember ah i like it um praise god a report tomorrow’s my last day um i’m gonna jump up and i get to go back to full-time ministry i i will tell you i am excited and nervous i am excited and nervous i’m still gonna still gonna be a father for my family but i’m excited and nervous i am ready to go back to serving you all you know what i’m saying serving you all full-time being available for you throughout the day i mean you have time but praying for you throughout the day interceding for you throughout the day visiting you throughout the day and not having about being in somebody’s house so i am excited to to go back to being able to serve god’s people in that way um it is a service um that is done you all you know the glory of god can i help you



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