Pastor Carlton Howell

Evangelist Synthia Washington

Welcome, welcome. Although we’ve already been in His presence and worshiping together, it is so wonderful to see you all here and thank you all who join us online. Oh, thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. That’s all I got for the welcome.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.

Yes, yes, yes. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Jesus. Today’s Bible reading comes from John 20, 15 through 18 out of the New King James Version.

Verse of the day:
15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?”
She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, “Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away.”
16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!”
She turned and said to [a]Him, “Rabboni!” (which is to say, Teacher).
17 Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’ ”
18 Mary Magdalene came and told the [b]disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that He had spoken these things to her.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus, that we can even see you today.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.

Join us for our first annual Passover Cedar Dinner, Monday, April 22nd, 2024.

We are getting a location still together for this meal. We will release it out. The Passover holiday begins before sundown on Monday, April 22nd, 2024, and ends after nightfall on April 30th, 2024.

Why does this, why does the holiday begin and end around nightfall? It’s because the Jewish calendar date begins at sundown of the night beforehand.

On the Hebrew calendar, Pesach is Nisan, 1522. The Passover meal recalls Jesus’s last supper, which according to the synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke was the Passover Cedar.

Jesus used elements of the cedar, such as unleavened bread, matzah, sorry, I’m still trying, and wine to commemorate.

I’m sorry, y’all. Sometimes my head gets ahead of my mouth, and I try to speak, and it’s just like, his impending death. The bread represents his body, and the wine represents his blood.

Thank you, Jesus.

That is why believers in Messiah take communion today. Thank you, Father God. Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Jesus. I’m expecting it to be a wonderful time during that time to fellowship and come together.

Our next bi-weekly Men of Power call is April 9th at 6 30 p.m. You can join us via Zoom. The link will be put on our social media platforms and on our calendar on our website. We know the objective, men in the church coming together to build the family, iron sharpening iron. Thank you, Jesus.

Join us for Wednesday morning prayer call starting at 6 a.m. every Wednesday morning. Dial 1-888-568-3993 to join.

Bible study is every first and third Thursdays of the month on Zoom. Worship is every second and fourth Thursday of the month in person, unless we state otherwise in our announcements on our social media platforms, and it is Thursdays at 7 p.m.

If you would like to support this ministry, you can give in many ways in person here at Grace or online at forward slash donate.

You can give through our cash up as well at dollar sign GCCMO. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus.

Do you have a need for prayer? We here at Grace want to pray with you and for you. Just text prayer request to 833-205-3601 and someone from our prayer team will lift you up in prayer.

And I always like to disclose this. We will come find you. We will whatever you need to be done, whatever the Lord’s will is in your life, we will be there for you.

We will pray. And I still love that we are utilizing the telegram to put our prayer requests in and pray for not just this church, but other people in the community as well. I am loving seeing that.

Thank you, Jesus. I’m first going to pray over the offering and then move into praying for the service. Lord Father God, we thank you.

We thank you for these free will gifts and offerings, Lord Jesus. We thank you whether it was given today or throughout this week, Lord Jesus. We just want to thank you.

Lord Father God, teach us what to do with it. Guide us where to put it, Lord Father God. And I thank you and I thank you and I thank you.

Lord Father God, there has been breakthrough in the finances for our church, Lord Father God. And I thank you that we’re going to have more opportunities to go out to be able to evangelize and host even more events, Lord Father God. And to be able to just have a building, Lord Father God, I thank you, Jesus, that we have a building that we can come here and come with our church family.

We thank you, Jesus, for this. We thank you, Jesus, we thank you, Jesus. Lord Father God, I thank you for what you are doing on today.

Lord Father, God, for what you are doing is great.

What you are doing is mighty. Oh, Lord Father God, what you are doing is great and mighty.

I thank you, Lord Father God, for the children in the church. Lord Father God, I ask that you bless them, Lord Father God, that you open their ears to hear and you open their eyes to see who you are, Jesus, just through those innocent eyes, Lord Father God.

And Lord Father God, I ask that you do the same for us, that you open our eyes and you open our ears to hear and see and receive from you, Lord Father God. I thank you, Jesus, that this day you rose from the grave.

Death could not hold you down. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.

Death could not hold you down. Death could not hold you down. Thank you, Lord.

Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Lord. I thank you, Lord Father God, for the man of God, for you have given him word and he is going to come up here and speak. Lord Father God, I ask that as he pours out, you pour into him, Lord Father God.

We thank you in the mighty, mighty, mighty name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


Pastor Carlton Howell

Praise the Lord. Ooh, cut me down some. Actually, I got it.

Praise the Lord. Here we go. Yeah.

I got a big mouth. Loveless day. It is such a wonderful day that we have as we’re in the house today.

And I wanted to start with this, I want to bring you to an understanding of two things today. One is to understand what time it is and then to understand why we celebrate well today.

And so it can be very so much the small things that sometimes we notice and sometimes we would not think that think it’s so as remember such things as the risen savior. But I want to be clear about one thing. And before I get into everything, the Messiah rose on the Feast of First Fruits.

So I need to be utterly and very clear. He did not rise on the Equinox sun, God thing, whatever that we do here in the West. He rose on the Feast of First Fruits.

He was crucified at Passover. Please go back and stop it. He was pacified during Passover before the high Sabbath.

His body was laid to rest. Yeah, you can go right there. Then we’ll go back.

You can go down when we’re back. His body was raised to us. We have to look very carefully at the instructions for the third feast to understand the very implementations of the fulfillment of what Christ did in that time.

I’m not going to go through all of the verses. This is more of a Bible study thing. But I want to say that I’m going to paraphrase what God said to Moses.

He said, I’m taking my people to an exceptionally fertile land and I would like them to acknowledge the fact that each spring when the first harvest of the year is available, the people should bring their initial crops to the temple so that the high priest can acknowledge them before me. This must be done on the Sunday, the morrow after the Sabbath. And this is a seven day count and it is done during the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

And thus it happens in the Bible that God was at that point also honoring the resurrection which happened on the first day of the week. So the Sunday after Passover or the first day of the week after Passover is representing a time that comes out of the ground spontaneously and miraculously throughout a long dead winter, the first of many. We see this miracle every spring, although many of us are not farmers and we do not understand what it means to put grain in the ground and to wait and to pay very special attention to trees or shrubbery and make them come forth with the first fruits in, say, very late March and mid-April.

Jesus, our Messiah, celebrated first fruits in the very appropriate manner by raising from the dead on that day. He also gave the Father his proper first fruit offerings as we all know the graves were open and dead people arose and were seen after his resurrection in Jerusalem. Our Lord, not unlike any other farmer of the soil, gratefully brought before the Father a few early crops that would be a magnificent harvest later on.

So sometimes we fail to note that Jesus was not only a deceased person to rise on that miraculous day during the feast of first fruits that he brought forth from the grave a feast of first of the resurrection to the fall harvest and which we understand coming later will be the big harvest which will be the taking of his church during if he does stick to what we have seen which would fall upon the time of another feast. I am not going to presume to know what time he’s going to come back nor will I ever try to make a prediction.

However, when you start to look at how the calendars were put together, we are so far removed from the Hebrew calendar that Passover was not last Tuesday. Passover was not last Tuesday. This is not the feast of unleavened bread.

Today is not the feast of first fruits. Today is a day that in the West we recognize in the remembrance of our Savior who rose and what why not? That’s why when I looked at my wife she said we’re gonna have a resurrection Sunday service.

I said why not? Anytime I can talk freely about the resurrected Savior, I’m gonna do it. It doesn’t matter what day it is.

I don’t care what calendar we offer them, but it is important to know the truth behind what is going on that today is not actually that day. Or do you want me to lie to you? But any day is a good day to talk about Jesus.

Any day is a good day to say that my Savior was dead and now he’s alive. That he went down and he conquered the grave, death and the grave, and that he came back up and he is here. I’m here to tell you that any day is a good day to do it.

I don’t have to wait until someday that the government says that this is the time I’m gonna do it when they don’t even understand the seasons that the Bible tells us to do certain things in and they doing things off of their own calendar, but I serve a higher power. So the rest of the story is pretty cool because during Passion Week, which we’re going to find that is actually in April because the Hebrew calendar works a little bit differently than the Sun calendar or the Gorgarian calendar or yeah the Gorgarian calendar, the Sun calendar. It works a little bit differently than that because well it was the Hebrew calendar and when then they served in Rome and it became the what’s that one calendar we use in the military that number the days?

Yep, the Julian calendar. Thank you after Julian season and then it went to the Gregorian calendar. I think on the Constantinople or something currently.

I don’t know. It just it just changed and changed and changed and changed, but when God spoke it was a different calendar and that’s the calendar I choose to follow when it comes to biblical truths. So during the Passion Week, the Lord celebrated the three feasts each of them in their appropriate manner.

Of course, we can find that he was crucified on Passover answering to the blood of the lamb fulfillment of the word which he had gotten the the chosen people out of salvage to begin with and we see this as we reminisce on the troubles that our brothers and sisters went through in Egypt. He was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This bread is my body.

Remember during the during communion during the Passover supper this is what he said to him and so in the Feast of Unleavened Bread he we see the fulfillment of it the bread this is my body the case of a dead man arranging his own burial at the appropriate time and and then on the first fruits he arose as a demonstration of the future resurrection of the church. This is not the crux of the message this is only an instructive informative beforehand so that we understand what is going on before I talk about what I want to talk about today and so as a matter of fact he continued regarding his purpose his promise to the disciples in John 14 just in the Holy Spirit the fourth feast we see the Feast of Pentecost so uh sorry yeah the feast of Pentecost and on that very day the Holy Spirit attended these festivals like a rushing wind a mighty wind the Pentecost represents the summer harvest a larger harvest than the feast of first fruits but so large but not as large as the fall crops put something out that I read and it’s pretty interesting you remember in in in the day of Pentecost that 3,000 souls were added right when the law came this is very interesting when the law came Israel had made a golden calf how many souls were killed that day 3,000 connect scriptures on the day of Pentecost 3,000 souls were added when they accepted Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit 3,000 souls were added when they rose up a false idol the golden calf by God’s direction 3,000 were killed Exodus 32 28 now on Pentecost the same number returned to the chosen people understand this the letter kills but the spirit gives life that’s what we find the letter kills but the spirit gives life the last activities that we’ve seen on our other than them various and personal miracles and all that we experience with him and do therefore for the coming performances and and things that are going to happen on not performances but the coming miracles the things that are going to happen on the appropriate day as the Lord continues to work what he has to come again I am not going to say that um I have a theory of when the Lord will come I believe it will happen on his feasts as he has been but he is the Lord of all so he can do whatever he wants to so clearly we as believers have a very bright future and this very bright future we can see in the feasts of the fruits that were given first in essence it means that our Savior has not left us that he is coming back for us and he’s returning for us this is something that Buddha nor Muhammad can do and so as followers we follow Christ Jesus to get to our Lord the Father but we understand that our King is coming and as we celebrate this day every day so every day should be resurrection day if you think about it every day should be resurrection day if we reserve resurrection day for just one day then well I’m not going to go in there but this is the whole point life truly is just only the beginning because even if we’re dead we shall rise those who are in Christ Jesus just as those dead branches in winter bears fruit again in the spring let us pray what John prayed amen come quickly Lord Jesus come quickly Lord Jesus I want to play a short video unmute the computer so you can play it I want to play a short video for you I want you to take a look at this I found it very interesting this morning when I was finishing up the last part of what I wanted to talk about today and I just want to play a short video to this this guy does a very better way has a better very better way of explaining the timeline of holy week and so if you will my son.

Video Playing:

The only sign that Jesus gave of him being the Messiah was that he would be in the grave three days and three nights but can this be proven from scripture and plotted on a timeline one of the biggest problems when it comes to proving this one sign is that most of us have difficulty calculating three days and three nights from friday evening to sunday morning one question is did he actually mean three full days or was he referring to parts of days and parts of nights the greek phrase three days and three nights in the new testament can actually mean parts of three days and three nights but even if we use this logic there’s still not a third night period between friday evening and sunday morning and we’re still left with a confusing scenario that can’t be plotted on a timeline but actually it is possible to prove the chronology of the three days and three nights from scripture and to plot it on a timeline proving the one incredible sign of his messiahship when the jewish leaders asked for a sign of his messiahship he told them no sign will be given except the sign of the prophet jonah for as jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish so will the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth the old testament hebrew phrase he referred to literally means three full days and three full nights or 72 hours he also said in john 2 verse 19 he would be raised from the grave in three days mark 8 31 records after three days and luke 24 says he would rise from the dead the third day so assuming it was a full 72 hours let’s construct the timeline using the eyewitness events recorded in the gospels to start we need to consider the fact that the jews and the disciples of jesus did not keep the christian holidays we think of today rather they celebrated the passover and a festival called the days of unleavened bread cited in luke 22 verses 1 and 7 leviticus 23 5 through 7 explains that the day immediately following the passover was actually a high day or annual sabbath which was different from the weekly sabbath they observed on saturdays these observances began at sunset and ended at sunset the next day so when jesus died in 31 ad the passover began on a tuesday evening while the high day sabbath mentioned in john 19 verse 31 started on a wednesday evening at sundown and ended at sunset thursday which means that the friday that year actually fell between two sabbaths an annual sabbath on thursday and the weekly sabbath on saturday now let’s look at the details and fill in the timeline jesus celebrated the passover with his disciples in luke 22 13 through which happened right after sunset tuesday evening then right after the passover meal they went out to the mount of olives where jesus prayed three times while his disciples kept falling asleep later that night jesus was betrayed arrested and taken to the jewish authorities mark 15 1 then tells us in the morning that is wednesday morning the chief priests and other jewish leaders found him away and delivered him to pilot verse 25 says at 9 a.m that morning the crucifixion of jesus christ began then from 12 to 3 p.m there was darkness over the land and finally at the end of the darkness we’re told in mark 15 verses 34 and 37 that jesus cried out with a loud voice and breathed his last the savior of the world died for everyone who ever lived but at some point between 3 p.m and sundown as john 1931 says because it was the preparation day that the body should not remain on the cross on the sabbath for that sabbath was a high day the jews asked pilot that their legs might be broken and they might be taken away in other words they wanted to make sure they were all dead so they can get them in their graves before the sun went down and the annual sabbath began but at this point jesus was already dead then in mark 15 verses 42 through 47 we see that just before the sun set wednesday evening beginning the annual sabbath joseph of arimathea asked for the body of jesus and laid him in his tomb while mary and the other women watched so shortly after laying him in his tomb the sun set and the holy day or annual sabbath began then friday morning as mark 16 one points out when the sabbath had passed or the high day sabbath as john called it the women bought spices so they can embalm him as the shops would have been closed for the holy day after purchasing the spices luke 23 56 says they returned and prepared the spices and fragrant oils and they rested on the sabbath according to the commandment instead this time it was the weekly sabbath which began at sundown friday evening and ended at sunset saturday evening so as the sun was going down friday evening to begin the weekly sabbath it had already been two full days and two full nights however it wasn’t until sunday morning that they would go back to embalm the body of jesus as the sabbath day had to pass and then they couldn’t make progress on the project at night so ready to take care of their savior’s body luke 24 verse 1 shows they arrived on the first day of the week very early in the morning having brought the spices and oils they prepared on friday before they rested on the sabbath while john 20 verse 1 says mary actually showed up while it was still dark but at this point it had been one two three days and one two three four nights since he was laid in his tomb so as luke 24 2 through 3 explains when they showed up they found the stone rolled away from the tomb and when they went in he was already gone going on verses 6 and 7 record the angel saying he is not here but he is risen remember how he spoke to you saying the son of man must be crucified and the third day rise again the end of the third full day was saturday evening just before sunset he was put in the grave as the sun was going down wednesday evening before the holy day began so the first night was wednesday night the first day was thursday day the second night was thursday night the second day was friday day the third night was friday night and the third day was saturday day then just before the sun went down saturday evening jesus christ was resurrected from the dead exactly three days and three nights from the time he was put in his tomb to the time he was resurrected just as he said he would be fulfilling the one sign of his messiahship being able to understand and prove the sequence of events from scripture can strengthen our belief in jesus christ as the one true messiah we hope you enjoyed this video please like share and subscribe to learn more go to our website

Pastor Carlton Howell

Again that was a short seven minute video just to put in better perspective what i was speaking about earlier but today very quickly i want to talk about the incredulous disciples and i want to show you in the resurrection of christ how love triumphs over sin it’s very beautiful i think we talked about it once before but it has to deal with peter oh peter peter peter poor peter peter gets the bad rap but he’s also but something so marvelous came from him if you would turn to mark chapter 16 we’re going to start at i want to say verse one we read the example from john earlier we’re going to go mark 16

Mark 16:1-7
16 Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, that they might come and anoint Him. Very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen. And they said among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?” But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away—for it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples—and Peter—that He is going [a]before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you.”

we’re going to start at chapter one and i’m going to be reading from the new king james version i think yes for the new king james version now i’m going to be reading from the cjv when shabbat was over miriam of maryland miriam the mother of yakovah i am not going to read it from there because y’all not going to know what i’m saying i don’t know why i put it in there like that i am so sorry so follow along with me on the board you’re going to see it in cjv you’ll see their hebrew names i’m going to read it so you so that those who may not understand all those words will understand it i’m gonna read it from the king james version now when the sabbath that is as you see on the board shabbat um was passed mary madeleine or miriam of madela married the mother of james that is who yakovah is and solomon brought spices that they may they might come and anoint him very early in the morning on the first day of the week they came to the tomb when the sun had risen and they said among themselves who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us but when they looked up they saw that the stone had been rolled away for it was very large and entering the tomb they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe sitting on the right side and they were alone but he said to them do not be alone you seek jesus of nazareth as you see there yeshua of nazareth who was crucified he is risen he is not here see the place where they laid him

And here’s where i want to speak to you today but go and tell his disciples and Kefa especially Kefa Peter that he has gone before you to Galilee there you will see him as he has said to you trembling but ecstatic they went out and fled from the tomb they said nothing to anyone because they were afraid go back to verse 7 but go and tell his tantalum disciples but especially Kefa especially peter i really want Peter Kefa to know that i’m here that i’m back it is remarkable that in the gospel of mark peter is sitting on out for a very special note there is proof here that the kindness and the mercy of the lord was on full display well why because we all recount the day of passover we all recount what he did three times as he brought dishonor to his profession that attached him to the one whom he professed it would have been right for the lord to had denounced him to have cast him off but he loved him and having loved him once he loved him to the end as we see in john 13 as proof was given as he forgave him he still loved him as the assurance is even though he denied him essentially denying his message and Jesus gave proof of who he is and that what he says is true as he forgave him and in forgiving him sent a special message just for him that through that message he would have assurance that though he denied him which had done much to aggravate his own sufferings yet in his risen state he still forgave him it was to show peter kefla that the lord is a forgiving god is a merciful god that he is a redeemer now we are not to infer because his angel said tell his disciples and peter that because of what peter did he was no longer one of his disciples even though he said especially peter it was simply that he was Jesus was sending peter a special message before peter fell Jesus prayed that he his faith should not fail you see that in Luke 22 and 32 and as the prayer of Jesus was always heard it so that peter had to have enough faith to be sufficient just to be a disciple though he suffered like many of us to fall to sin go tell his disciples and peter this is a remarkable story that’s very short and glossed over because it’s so short but holds so much meaning so short that again it’s very simple and it’s a small thing that’s easy to be missed and peter why focus on peter so much because peter was the loud mouth one the one Jesus had to correct a lot well the bible records he had to correct a lot he may have had to correct the other ones too but peter definitely got corrected but peter as we see had a lot of zeal and so the very act of what he did when he sinned truly aggravated and and alienated him in his own mind just because we’re he said go and tell the disciples and peter again does not mean that peter was not a disciple anymore this tells you and me just because i have done something wrong and i fell away i made a mistake i intentionally did wrong after the lord told me i was going to do wrong and i did it the same number of times he said i was going to do wrong that the lord does not receive you back matter of fact that the lord does not call you by name to have you come back go and tell those who ran away especially peter so when we hear go and tell my disciples we can also hear go and tell all those people who said they were with me when i was going to hang upon the tree who ran away from me and especially that peter that i’m alive and i love them and i forgive them it had to be done i’m going ahead of them to prepare a place for them look my father has gained a harvest of first first of the resurrection so it is a prevailing tradition of us believers to ascribe to the gospel of mark his sister’s son of barbara’s that affirmed the the opposing sin that the that the apostle peter for somehow was confirmed in his very nature of who he is by god speaking out to him and in the gospel itself there are some very particular things that lead us in the direction of this a student one makes mistakes a student makes a state and in order to become sometimes a chief student you have to make a lot of mistakes i was speaking to my daughter this morning and i was explaining some areas of adulthood i said yes you are an adult that is no that is true but you’re not an adult adult you’re an adolescent adult i said that usually lasts around the age of 19 to 30 and she she looked at me i said yeah because usually between the age of 19 and 30 you still are co-dependent on your parents for wisdom guidance and things like that you hit young adulthood around your 30s and that lasts about your middle 40s and you still ain’t got it together you still ain’t figured it out so if you’re 20 years old and you think you’re supposed to have it all figured out i’m here to tell you no you ain’t if you’re 30 you think you’re supposed to have it all figured out.

I’m here to tell you no you ain’t and for my 40 year old 40s and up people who are in that category with me if you’re supposed to have it all figured out i’m gonna tell you and myself no you ain’t 50 no my brother’s 50 he ain’t got a clue so 50 and up no you ain’t 60 i’ve seen fools at 60 so no you ain’t how do we get it together we’re ever striving to improve ourselves how do we become chief among them is that with time comes wisdom with wisdom comes knowledge and we kind of learn from the bumps and bruises what should and should not be done and so chief among these places in which his name is to be held and the message develops within us but this chief message that was given was given to to the ladies when they came out the angels of the women who was at christ’s tomb on the morning of the the morning of his resurrection Matthew who also reports the angel’s words only he only says go tell his disciples but to tell peter and the others was i would say of little importance in that his name should have been named then this is where i really want to go with that the lord has said through his messengers his angels i see them all but whoever may stand behind let him not be absent for i’m glad to meet with them again what what what do you what do i mean by that he knew that without naming Kefa by name that the place in which he was to meet them because of the shame of the man he may not have shown up how many of us did not go to a place that we should have been to because we thought we were not going to be welcomed by the person whom we did wrong but we didn’t know that there was a blessing waiting there for us many don’t even come back to church because they realize it’s not the church that hurt them that there was a man that hurt them and and men are are bad all mankind has evil tendencies and we’re not perfect and we make mistakes and so it’s not the church that christ’s place that hurts us is people inside of god’s church who are just like you and i trying to get it together and figure it out that make a mistake and we hurt one another but they’re still friends they still love you they just don’t realize what they’re doing is wrong sometimes you just don’t know and so with that being he mentions the one who probably would not show up of all of his disciples the fact was known to the whole body of disciples but when the two friends had met had met christ in emmas and he came back in the night with their strange titans their emergence was of the full news that Jesus was alive think about this some some wonderful things about this story that i i pulled from a bunch of commentaries as i was studying a bunch of commentaries uh Matthew henry and all these other ones so if you want to know where i’m getting a lot of this from a lot of this is from Matthew henry the lord is risen indeed and had appeared to Simeon all right Paul also gives an account of the meeting when the lord was alone with the ponton in the foremost place so these are some of the eyewitnesses accounts after jesus had risen i’m just giving you all this so Simeon saw him after the resurrection we know the disciples saw him after the resurrection Thomas saw him definitely Thomas touched him Thomas touching so put your hand in the hole put your hand right there touch me and know i’m real i love that part but even after the lord ascended Paul came to know him he was seen by Cephas what passed as hidden from all eyes the secrets of the hour of the deep and healing love of peter he also showed himself to him there is a whole lot more i could go through but i don’t want to go through those there there’s some particular things just in that verse that really grabbed me where the message is born to the believer i find the words in the gospel of mark wondrous and touching that he called him out by name because he of course being an apostle cherished the very word of god and to have personal first-hand witness of the pledge of forgiveness that came from the savior to witnesses himself at such a dreadful hour what a story what a story we see that this Jesus this messiah is truly a shepherd in this instance why do i say that we see that the savior is truly a shepherd in this instance it’s because of the love that he has for those who are following him he he shows us where when he forgives us it is as far as the eastern part of Babylon to the western part of the world a true shepherd as Jesus does stands before his sheep irregardless of the cleanliness of the wool it is the shepherd who cleanses the wool not the sheep and this is why we mess up so many times when we come to the shepherd we’re trying to clean our own wool peter was not trying to clean his own wool he just recognized the fact that he was dirty but when we allow the good shepherd who has shown us through this after being denied by one of his sheep three times after being having after the sheep throwing mud upon his wool three times and covering himself in filth three times the good shepherd goes and asks for that sheep by name and this act is an act of cleaning one’s wool he’s a good shepherd he’s a true shepherd it is a word that was given and even at the betrayal after i’m risen again i will go before you he tells them the events that are going to happen he tells them what is going to happen how it’s going to happen it’s very interesting that the lord gave them foreknowledge of all he was going to do and also what they were going to do peter’s loud mouth say no i ain’t peter had the most to say this is why peter’s fall was the hardest a lot of times the biggest mouth falls the farthest down that’s why we got to be careful when we stand up here to preach the word of god that we do not elevate ourselves so high and build such high platforms that when we fall whoo holy christ himself can put the pieces back together again that’s why we can’t think more highly of ourselves than we are he said after i am risen i will go before well thank you after i am risen i will go before you to Galilee which is applied to the star going before the magi in his nativity we’re talking about well we go all the way back to his birth the star went before and led them to where they were supposed to go jesus went before him and led them to where they are supposed to go Jesus has gone before us and he is leading us to the place in which we are to go when we connect the scriptures as such we see that god our messiah and the holy spirit has told us the events of life that are going to happen in the order in which they will happen this is why it’s so important to understand the timeline of the bible and the difference between its timeline and the world’s timeline because god has already told us all that is to happen what we are going to do and what he is going to do we have to be careful not to be loud mouths and project ourselves to places in which we cannot handle because although peter said i ain’t never gonna do that lord i will die for you he had to tell satan to get behind him and so he does to us also because he has already told us where he is going as he told the disciples before the angel even told the ladies he told him that he was going to go where after he was risen before them to Galilee and guess what the angel told the ladies go and tell his disciples that he is risen and he is gone to this place as the apostles was on the road headed towards Jerusalem there is a varying story there’s a very interesting story and in that story it says something it just it just popped in my mind i had a note in here but i didn’t write the verse down but he he appeared to um to he appeared in another form to two of the disciples as they were walking to the place in which they were to meet jesus but when he appeared to them he did not reveal himself to them you can find this account in mark 16 um or starting in verse 17 uh 12 but in in this um gospel i don’t think it says what i’m going to say but we’ll we’ll find it but he appeared to them and he walked with them and it says when they and and they went and told it to rest they did not them either so here it is jesus walked with these disciples in another account and as he was walking with him he was talking to them they did not know who he was and he revealed some things to them he he revealed some things of script to them and then they just didn’t know us and when they got done and Jesus departed they asked themselves something did our hearts not burn while he walked with us i gotta find it and it’s a beautiful reminder um of him going before us him going before us and preparing a way for us that we may go to a be received be received in this place that he is preparing again it is a beautiful verse and i want to take you to it it’s in chapter 24 of Luke and it says this starting verse 13 it says now behold two of them were traveling at the same day to a village called emmas which was seven miles from Jerusalem remember they were on the way and they talked together of all these things would it happen so it was while they conversed and reasoned that jesus himself drew near and went with them but their eyes were restrained so they did not know him could it be that as we are moving through the perils of life headed to the place in which christ has us to be that every once in a while he comes and walks with us but we do not know it that’s how we have to be careful about what we say to who we say it says but their eyes were restrained so that they did not know him and he said to him what kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad then one whose name was steppas answered and said to him are you the only stranger in jerusalem i love this part of the story have you not known the things which happen here in these days and he said jesus said to them this he said what things tell me what happened it’s like like tell me what happened to me tell me about me testify about me let me be the judge of what you have to say is right now this is after they told him to go get peter and so they said the things concerning jesus of nazareth who was a prophet mighty indeed and word before god and all the people and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and crucified him but we were hoping that it was he who was going to redeem israel indeed besides all this today is the third day since these things that happened yes and certain women of our company who arrived at the tomb early astonished us but when they did not find his body they came saying they had also seen a vision of angels who said he was what a lie and certain of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women has said but him they did not see and he said to them oh foolish ones and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not that christ have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he responded to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself then they drew near to the village where they were going and he indeed that he would have gone farther but they constrained them saying abide with us for it is toward the evening and the day is far spent and he went to stay with them now it came to pass as he ate with them he took bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them and here it is in verse 31 their eyes are open and they knew him and he vanished from their sight and they said to one another did our hearts not burn within us while he talked with us on the road while he opened our eyes to what the scripture has to say to us did our hearts not burn within us jesus has a special message for each and every one of us that’s individual and collective but we have to be willing to hear we have to be willing to see we have to be willing to receive we have to get rid of our own traditions and stick with the things that the bible says we at times are like sheep which led to the slaughter but we have a risen savior a good shepherd who if we allow will walk with us when our eyes are open to the truth we should be asking the same thing did my heart not burn within me while i sat with him while i walked with him and as he opened the scriptures to me i ask as we go into this season into this time of the biblical prescribed days now yes paul does not say let no one judge you let no one condemn you for what you eat what you drink special days and feasts and that is true you are not condemned because you do not know it does not affect your salvation because you do not know but you can find yourself perishing because you have lack of knowledge it does not mean your salvation is gone if peter can deny jesus three times and jesus gonna forgive him jesus is surely not going to cast anyone to hell because of ignorance if you believe in him your salvation is secure these things that i talk about now we got to get a nursery we got to get a nursery we need a bigger church that’s just it there’s not enough room for them the children are growing praise the lord you got a problem with that then something wrong the babies are growing we don’t have enough room to contain all of the children we have praise god you should be clapping about that because that’s the future what you see running around here what you think is the interruption of service is just a glimpse of the future let them stay in the presence of the lord yes i know in traditional church you ain’t gonna come up here and interrupt the pastor i am not traditional if i if i was to learn anything if i am to be a student of the lord jesus christ when the children interrupted him what did he do when the children came up and interrupted him did he kick him away did he tell no y’all need to get these children we in the house of the lord don’t don’t be having them come up no he didn’t do that and he is god in the flesh god incarnate he said let him come it ain’t for none of y’all it’s for them who will peer online and see the baby doing what a baby’s gonna do this is for the mama who may feel like oh lord that’s my child the grandmama who may be sitting back there worried that everything that she looks bad and can’t keep no your baby’s fine in this house to run around we just need a bigger house so that the baby has a place to play well we can do what we got to do without the baby running up on us i think the baby thought the baby want to run around that’s what a baby’s designed to do babies play that’s how they get stronger that’s how they learn babies fall that’s how they get stronger that’s how they learn babies mess up That’s how they get stronger. That’s how they learn.

Wait disciples Fall, that’s how they learn. That’s how they but they get up disciples do wrong. That’s that’s that’s how they learn That’s how they get up Just like the babies we have to develop How we’re going to restrict that baby or any disciple from learning?

Jesus is with us Even right now does your heart not burn? In this very moment Does your heart not burn does your heart not burn With passion for messiah And his glorious word And his wonderful mission Does your heart not burn If not I tell you your name is being called He is telling some disciples to meet him at a place Because you think that your sin is so great that he will not forgive you He is calling you by name I remember when he called me When my sin was so great in my own mind, it was just three days ago All sinners lead to death Where I lost my temper and it was so great But he still called my name Maybe a couple years ago When I fill in the blank Yet he still called my name I can hear the lord calling our names today As we celebrate his Rising here’s the great thing about what we get to do Because we also I like to celebrate the feasts We get to do it. Not just once Not just twice But several times throughout the year We have a resurrection sunday every sunday on the first day of the week.

We give our first fruits to god The first day of the week we give our first praises to god can’t wait till I Get done and come off my job where I Get to enjoy my sabbath rest Again, but I love also giving my first fruits unto the lord my first Thanks, I wake up in the morning and the first yarn of the week belongs to the lord It is his This day belongs to him the first day of the week is yours lord.

Take it and so with that I end as I begin But go and tell His disciples and peter That is he is going to galilee ahead of you And he’ll see you there And so I tell you as one of his disciples As one of his tautum Fill in the blank with your name The lord has gone before you to his father’s house To prepare a place for you And you Will see him there When he comes to get his bride May god add an increase to your ears for hearing his word For taking in his word I thank you all May god to god be the glory to god be the glory father I thank you For all that you have done I thank you for sending your son I thank you That upon that tree he died And rose That we may have life I thank you that he is the good shepherd And by him We have been washed clean Because of his blood we have been washed clean That we can hold on to our good shepherd Who keeps us in perfect peace, I thank you for this and all things in the mighty name of jesus We pray amen We’re gonna take a small intermission And then we’re gonna do communion so Because we have children whose parents are not here I am not going to offer communion to the children as their parents are not here to do what parents do and explain it to them um We don’t know if they have any allergies or anything like that because I got no forms back so We’re going to participate in communion if you would like to please do I’ll tell you I love these babies No, that’s the first time he’s been very active So let us prepare our hearts and minds as we get ready to partake You You You You



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