Bishop Howell
Quick Recap:
1. Introduction and Context:
The speaker highlights the gospel of Matthew, written primarily to convince Jewish readers of Jesus’ identity as the Messiah. It underscores Jesus’ fulfillment of the Old Covenant and his role in establishing a spiritual community beyond ethnic boundaries.
2. Temptation of Jesus:
• Jesus, led by the Spirit, fasted for 40 days and nights in the wilderness, becoming physically weak but spiritually strong.
• This period mirrored moments of testing seen with figures like Moses and Elijah, emphasizing Jesus’ endurance and divinity.
• Satan tempted Jesus at his weakest, offering food, safety, and power. Each time, Jesus resisted by citing scripture, affirming his faithfulness to God.
• The speaker contrasts Jesus’ temptation with Israel’s failures, portraying Jesus as succeeding where others fell.
3. Fasting and Spiritual Strength:
• Fasting is defined as more than abstaining from luxuries like social media; it’s about pushing away essential comforts (e.g., food) to focus on God.
• Jesus’ survival without food or water in a harsh desert was described as miraculous, showcasing divine sustenance.
4. Lessons for Believers:
• Jesus’ temptations were not to help him grow but to identify with humanity, showing that believers, too, can persevere through trials with his example.
• The Spirit may lead believers to places of testing, but God sustains them, even in failure, allowing lessons to be learned.
5. Closing Insights:
• The first miracle of Jesus is suggested to be his survival of the fast, enabled by divine power.
• The speaker praises Jesus’ strength and faithfulness, emphasizing that believers can trust in him during their own trials and temptations.
So to give some context of understanding this is the gospel of Jesus Christ by this man who was a publican who was an outcast Jew. He was a tax collector um he was one of those who was sent out by Christ. It is not known if he he was uh he died by persecution, um some scholars say he did. Some say he didn’t, and something the air. We’ll find out when we get there. um but he he he was one who was called by Christ. He he walked with Christiest personal testimony of the life, depth, and resurrection. And we read out of the book that batters his name. And there’s no need to stand if we go to Matthew chapter four, we’re gonna start at verse one and here’s where we all get to follow alone in the reading of God’s word. I’m coming out of the new living translation, whatever translation you have. Please read from it. Also, here’s a good note. Look down in the footnotes of your Bible real quick. I want you to do something. I’ help you learn, read and study your word. If you have a physical Bible, look down in the footnotes if you don’t have one, I’ll show you soon. And you can see some transition notes or you can see some biblical reference notes. Believe it or not, it’ll tell you where to go and actually in that translation what things may have been altered for the understanding of the reader. It’s not that they removed anything from the Bible. The translation sometimes is made so that the that a different set of believers can understand it a little bit better.V is gonna read a little bit different from the King James, but you’ll find that it’ll say like uh, you know, if you looking at chop at three verse two, it says or has come or is coming soon in verse three chapter three verse three, it gives you the reference for the Greek version of aiah 40 and three to understand what you what was going on and what was being said. So a good way to study is when you read it and you see these little letters or you see astriches or things like that next to it. I want you when you’re in your private devotion and study times. When you come across that, even if you’re reading it through like Bible gay whales of blue that Bible, when you see those astrhes and those little letters, I want you to go down to the bottom of the page, and I want you to grab hole of what it’s same and then go back and research. Trust me, you will have more fulfillment from the study of the word of God as you learn to study in that manner. As my little cliff note, I will step out of my off my high horse foot and more read the word the God. Matthew chapter 4, starting at verse one, it says, then Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted, thereby the devil for 40 days and for nights heasted and became very hungry and during that time the devil came and said to him, if you are the son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread. but Jesus told him, no the scripture says people do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God, then the devil took him to the holy city, Jerusalem to the highest point of the temple, and he said, if you are the Son of God, jump off. for the scripture says, he will always angels protect you, and they will hold you up with their hands. So you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone. Jesus responded to the scriptures also saying, you must not test the Lord, your God. Next the devil took him to the peak of a very hot mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. I will give you I will give it all to you, he said. If you would kneel down and worship me.erse Tim Jesus says, get out of his s. Jesus told him for the scripture says. You must worship the Lord, your God, and serve him only in the devil went away. in the angels came and took care of Jesus. You can move on to uh where it’s just just me, something. whole name winking like that. Jesus Christ at the comics of the Bible and all of human history, he is true to the climics of the Bible and and all of human history. He brings two, fulfillment, the old covenant he fulfills it in and by means of salvation gives us this being called food. And we find that good to be the word of God. Matthews gospel is so much true to the global church today as it concerns both and was written for Jews, but also for gentology and Jesus. Remember this book was written primarily to convince or primarily for those of the um the Jews who believe in Jesus at the time was written to those who was written to convince Jews that Jesus was he said he was and by the way that he lived in the very testimonies of witnesses that had been being brought forth. There then shows and and Matthew goes on and you see the first establishmentment of this new family that God is putting into place, a community of faith divined not by the lineage of blood, but by the lineage of the spirit. It is more than the ethnic Israel is is the spiritual Israel that we see that we become a part of a family. This is a new community that transcends gender and race and creed and color and local area or nationality or anything like that. It is a it is a community that ends up being part of this missing or of your messianic community, this community on Messiah. What we look forward to the coming king, um Jesus extends this very thing to even the Gentiles, a certain mercy that brings them in. And the reason I opened up with this in for Matthew chapter 4, because we’re gonna see as Jesus stars to prepare the ministry as he starts out on the ministry. And when he starts out on the ministry, this this global dimensional this global interdensional ministry that that no one else has been able to actually obtain or or do, we find some things that start to take shape when we move into verse uh in the chopterool. recap. Jesus had just been baptized. Jesus that was preaching about him who was gonna come. and he came. And there’s this very stark contrast because there’s some very remarkable things that that happen. I was said that he was led to be tempted. He was led to be tempted by the devil. That meant that the spirit himself that descended upon him was also the same spirit that led him into temptation. to be tempted. led him to a place that he may be tempted, where he fastes 40 days, so he was led up out of spirit into the wilderness two be was on purpose. At the identifying with sinners in his baptism, what ends up happening is Jesus is able to identify with men again to severe temptation. So already the establishment of this family, M as the patriarch the the head of this family, he first had to endure all that his family would endure and all the his family does endure. So first, he identified himself with the sinus through the baptism, and next he identified himself with a severe temptation, and it was necessary in order for his ministry to start moving forward, for he had to be truly not only blessed by the spirit, but led by the spirit, and that meant, no matter where the spirit led even. So it was a remarkable contrast. It was a remarkable contrast. It was a it was something that I mean, think about it. in in chapter three, he came, he was baptized and you had the trinity of turn of these right there where the sky opened up in the Spirit of Lord descended upon the word of God and and rested upon the word of God and and God opened up the sky and his voice was heard by meaning and all, and he announced to this man was this is my son, you know, he blessed him in that way. He was in the cool waters of the Jordan. There was a huge crowd around him. Oh, it probably felt really good when he came out the water. It was anointed. The heavens were open, but I want you to see the contrast. The cool waters of the Jordan and then he was led into a barren wilderness. He had the crew the huge crowds and now it was solitude. It was silence. He went from a great crowd to no one. He had the spirit that descended and rested upon him like a dove, and now this spirit drives the same into the wilderness for reason. He had the voice of the father saying, my beloved son, and now he hears the hiss of Satan. The toman. anointed and now attacked. The water. and now fires temptation. The heavens open and now hell presented right in front of him. Jesus did not need to be tempted to help him grow, though. So what you think about this? He wasn’t tempted in order this wasn’t attempting for him to be growing for him to learn the lesson that he needs to grow move to the string without my name on him. Instead, he I mean they don’t need to know why I don’t everybody knows I am, you know need to tell I am, right? I need my name of this my son wanted to make sure that the name of them. I put that slide in it just with that. I see tired of rewatching the video and seeing my name all time talking like, you don’t know that that I have who I am about now laugh.. Somebody do maybe be watching at the 15 minutes of watching the video, I’m pretty sure they known it. I?eping just just it is nonsense. It’s nonsense. But he did not mean to be tempted. is stating needed to endure both the temptation so that he could identify with us. He had to endure the temptation. He had to endure all that was being done, so he could identify, not that he didn’t understand. It was more for us than for him. It was for us to say, wow, Jesus will do it and persevere. So therefore, if he’s my savior, is he if he’s with me, then I can persevere. I can I can really trust and believe on that thing we talking about free surface prayer. If I just call upon his name, I shall be safe. I can persevere. He went through it. I he can identify with us and now I can identify with him. He is he is demonstrated that not only is he wholly, but he can still have a sinless character, even in the face of temptation and I know that if I stand with him and he be in me, I can also walk in that same way. And so the Holy Spirit is not going to tempt us nor can the Holy Spirit tempt us. However, he can lead us to a place to be tempted. So, you know, you will believe me like while I’m being tempted. Why did the spirit tell me to go here and here is where the place of temptation was for him, it wasn’t a test. For him is to be identified for us these is a tests. It is a test to see, have we really hold on to those principles? But remember if the Holy Spirit is the one leading you, the spirit is the one keeping you and even if you fell the test, you can always take it again. You learn a lesson from it. This is why I made the statement. Jesus did not go so that he could grow. He went so that he can I be identify this. There’s a big contrast between when we are led and in that nature and when Jesus is led? Jesus was not led so that he he could grow up in faith. Other times we were tested that we may see. It’s not to prove something God didn’t need to prove anything. It was it was it was to show us something. It was too reveal to us a spiritual thing. The temptation by the devil is is certainly for everyone. the service is not created in a massive current before, right? The service is not grad in your master, whatever he went through. soly. And so the temptation is a certainty. for everybody. Jesus temptation is just was more severe. way more severe. You know, we think, you know, the the presentation of certain things that tempt us was matching tempted with what was already his. The ultimate lie. It was more severe because he was attempted directly by the devil himself. We have familiar spirits that come strong man. The dev ain’t coming person for. The double came in person, he came in person for Christ. He wanted to talk about somebody who knows the word of the word. Oh, yeah, he knew it. and while we continue with these lesser demons, it was more severe because there was the sense of temptation by giving in, yet Jesus never yielded. And he had way more going on against him at that time than we did. For 40 days and 40 nights, he ate more drank anything. We got that much self control or control of his flesh that he did not eat or drink anything, fasting is not putting away Facebook. Fasting i is not wearing shoes for day. Fasting is pushing the plate away. The thing that actually nourishes you, pushing it away completely removing the pleasures of life. the gospel So yes, Bassin came involved pushing social media away, but that you know fast social media. Fast, the very thing that has made before God gave to sustain you. So he was fastening for 40 days and 40 nights. He was hungry, physically weak, but spiritually strong. He the contrast. physically weak, but spiritually strong. This is why the temptation was so direct, was so severe. He was led to be in a place where God allowed save. the test the triumph. You go back to the story of Joel having tried my serving Joe would we can all see as he led to the thing, God looking to see they say we come in have you tried my son the word? here he is gone. Where you talk to see him with Joel, you will have to see with Jesus? what happens. for the day of revention. Some people don’t think it’s proper to refer to this as a temptation to Jews, because um the word can translate to a testing. but it’s quite different in the element that test is far more the Greek word, far more goes to take. I’m not gonna try to pronounce it. He was hungry he fasted. Matthew points out something. He points out two burdens for 40 days and 4 nights and the King James, he says that he was home in the King James says he was horny. And then and I doesn’t really point that out unless you go after these notes going into the series. Oh wait. tell us he was home. so Jesus was home Reef as he stepped there, he fast and he was he was hungry, he it being hungry, you know he was also probably thirsty, because he was in a barren desert. It tells us that he was led into a wilderness in a Judean wilderness was literally the desert. I can’t remember what desert it is. And so there was a severe physical and psychological condition that was going on because he was fasting for so long and in prayer hunger pains after such a fast or great feel a fast for an extended period of time, not intermitting fasting. I am talking about pushing all the way. long as I’ve ever made it in that type of fast as well and then Before I was not physically north spiritually strong enough to continue on. Jesus did it for 40 days. Some of us can’t do it for 40 minutes. Jesus fasted pushed away everything, food, war, pleasure, the the comfort of of of being in shame to to kneel down and break because fasting is this not not eating and just resting. No, fasting means you push it away. You push everything else away. Everything that comforts you, my wife pushed away, my my children pushed away, my dischirks pushed away. and I’m giving myself fully to the dedication of his word, his study and talking to him. I have entered into that intimate place and I’m staying there with him. That’s f fast. Not that God’s gonna do something just so I can nearly hear. without the flesh. But then then the stomach pains, the these flesh pains because this body needs substance. design that way. He’s in the world of this he said the hum of pains, you see the hunger pains were were combating returning were fast. He was hungry. In any case that he was beginning to starve to death. his physical body was giving up with his spiritual body and not.? And so, if we look at it, when we look at what’s going on corrupt he was really, I love it. It was very hard to tell you the truth. There’s some divine power that can be seen because somehow, after all this time, he was still standing up. How long can you go without water? It’s less than 40 And if you in a hot baron doesn’t, it’s really less than 40 days. thehydration was set in in a matter of days. dehydrration set in in an American house. He stuck, depending on how hot it is. within that day. dead within three. No more. When they’re talking about what Jesus, he wasn’t wasn’t doing the Danielaz, gonna do that no, he was fasting everything. He pushed it all away. See what we do. it it shows a divine miraculous power that is seen that that is able to uphold even the human nature of Christ without anything to eat or drink. This was truly one of the was the first miracle. This was the first miracle. The fact that this man we know to be the Christ, the anointed one, stood for 40 days, 40 nights, in the wilderness, a desert without food nor drink and survived is the first we say the first miracle William turning water into wine. The first miracle was that his human body survived. Of course, now, the solar don’t say that, I came to see, like, wait. I started thinking about. a big dehydrated before. I’ve been in a desert before. I know what it feels like to go a couple hours without drinking water, even doing nothing in the desert. My brother knows what I’m talking about. My brother knows what I’m talking about. and so without eating anything to drink my alive or my my salivlograms will dry up and and and and I can’t he did this for 40 days and for nights, he worked from the extreme hot to the extreme cold for 40 days and for 40 nights he would sweat and then he would freeze for for days and for for nights, and even if he did absolutely no physical exhortation, he still lost weight for 20 days and for 4 nights. He was very hom. But he was alive. He was very hom, but it was alive. I want to go for 40 minutes and not be hungry. And not feel like that. There’s something that that that is said and that when the enemy came, Jesus was at his weakest moment, it was supernatural, but it wasn’t beyond who capability because this is not the first time this time you know what has happened. where someone who survived that long enabled by the spirit God, man did not do it by himself, but it was his spirit that had descended upon Jesus before, then that kept him through it the same way as we see in Moses in Exodus chapter 34, the same way we see in Elijah in first keen chopter 19. They also fasted for that amount of time and God kept them. It was nothing short of miraculous. It’s a familiar period of testing in the Bible, both in the days of Noah and for Israel in the wilderness, think about it Jesus will succeed where Israel as a nation failed. This was showing us that Jesus will succeed whether the nation of Israel failed our savior was tempted all 40 days. It’ll possibly what tells us. And these three assaults were just the worst. These are just the three that have we’ mentioned. Lou tells us that he was he was he was tempted every single one of those days. These three was just the worst. These were even Jesus was at his lowest. This is when Jesus was at his most virable. This is when Jesus was at his I don’t ever wanna say Jesus with spiritual weak, but I guess the weak spirit he gives it could never be, which is stronger than all of us combin. But still, he this is at the pinnacle at the point where the angels are on the ravs are all the way with the food, to feed them and and say throws out the three pests he got. I’m trying to get my Mike Tyson punch out right now is what Satan’s trying to do, but each one lands it connects, but it cannot do anything. Praise God for how strong our savior is. Praise God that our savior does not back down to a fight. Thank God that our savior is willing to stand strong even in the face of the most the deplorable, the most the most wretched person, the most wretched being that can come that is Satan, our savior won. would not bow down, where many of us would have said, you know what, turn that that that that that that bread and that rock and the bread. Again, the before any fast, you look at Moses, you look at whatever, with Moses, he he trusted in the staff a little too much. not on the word. You look atah was afraid of men at one point, he ran thinking he was all by himself, never realizing that God was with him the whole time. that’s still small voice. 40 days and 40 nights, Jesus was able to succeed where the nation of Israel failed in the wilderness where Moses and the Elijah failed Jesus succeeded our savior, tempted. It wasn’t just self- denial for the sake of self denial, or worse yet for the sake of building some form of spiritual pride which we do. That’s for period times to stop asking. why am I doing by doing this because I want to seem to be better. We’re gonna find out about that. I wanna look better. not fast and approval point to not the all, but to myself. Oh, good. fucking fast festival. No. It’s I’ll stop asking. Oh, wow. Until I got all of myself. So, no, he wasn’t fasting for the sake of something the Nial. No, he was not um that one disease you do. Do people have when they just won’t eat um Yeah, he didn’t have anorexia. No, genius was not going through anorexia. Thank you so much, it. He was going through anoresia. Where is he wasn’t doing it so that he could be prieful amongst the Pharisees in the second season and say, I am the best of you all. No, he wasn’t doing that. It was a period of forced dependence upon the father. Jesus was showing us that if you depend upon the father, if you trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not your un understanding, what it is. And so we remember to learn we learned something. We learned this thing called obedience. We learn this thing called obedience, and we understand what what what what m Moses is talking to the people of Israel is doing why we talk to 28th. If you do what God tells you, you will be blessed, even though you feel like you’re not, you will be blessed. You’ll be blessed in all these areas of your life. We see that even though Jesus was hurting, even though Jesus was hungry, he was still Christ. He was still blessed. It was still the anointed one. When the tempter came to him, and he said, look, I don’t understand. I always read this and I’ve always wondered like, how did how was this you talking Jesus knew who he was. Let’s point that out. So Matthew chop it for verses three and four, this is always messed with me, because Casading will call to you just like he went to Jesus and tell you who you are. If you’re the son of God, command these stones. They’ll come and tell you who you want. can look, you sum it up, what’ command songs.? But he works as inated tricks you. If you would a son of God. command he stows, become bread. Can I tell you your break that was in the response? Could I tell you your break was in your response? See, the end is gonna compensate. You you a child God. you just walk away. man. It’s too hard for you. You really was a childhood God. be you would be staying here right now. He’s telling you the truth. You are a child dog. And you shouldn’t be standing. But the way he worried it, got you thinking that you should just don’t sit your butt down. Because you forgotten that you was already standing. Jesus was the son of God. Jesus is the son of God. You will always be the son of God. You don’t need to command stones. So Jesus responds in such a way. He says, man shall not live by bread along by every word ever proceeded from the mouth of God, because he knows himself. and knows himself. Jesus is quoting due the right of chapter 8. verse three. It says, yes, he honed you by letting you go hungry. Jesus didn’t need to be humble, but this is what he did to the children of Israel. Remember, Jesus succeeded. Remember this thing I’m telling you, Jesus succeeded with the nation of Israel did what failure. Jesus succeeded with a nation of Israel failed, and near it is a call to remember an obey in due to run chapter 8 verse 3 the auth here is saying yes, he he who God God humbled you by letting you go home, didn’t feed you in man a food known unknown to you and did it to teach you that do not live by bread alone by bread alone here is what Jesus is quoting. Here is what Jesus is quoting to the devil. we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Jesus did not need to be humbled. but it need to be go through the humble in process, not for him to be humbled, but because we, the spiritual Israel, the physical Israel had to be humbled. And so therefore, in the identification with to be identified with, to be seen among us, he went to the same thing, but instead of for years he went for days. And so in there for the days, he was not giving man to eat. Jesus unlike the children of Israel and not received in that four days, man from heaven, while he was fasting. The children of Israel for 40 years received man from heaven, and they were still hungry. I would you looking into a verse two, remember how the Lord of God led you to the wilderness for these 40 years, humbling you in testing you to prove your character and to find out whether or not you would obey his commands. There was a testing. So he humbled by letting you go hungry this is what he tells them. In Jesus quotes today to the devil. Ah. we don’t live by this bred along. But word, every word, every word, every word God bless you as you go, be, thank you so much, man. I can’t wait to continue worshiping with you. But every word that comes from the mouth of God., everywhere. So the truth that came, noticed Mac right. he came that tempted that old devil came. and in our lives is not a question, if there are going to be temptation more of when that temptation will come, you have to know you have to know that you’re going to face temptation, but you also have to know that he who has already faced that temptation is with you and he who got it got through it who also guide you through it. Many of us thinking, Jesus is going to carry us through it, know he will guide you through it. And you will learn strips and weaknesses. We’re gonna be. God only has one son that was without sin. but he never had a son without temptation. He only ever had one son without sin. but only one without temptation. Only one, only one. He was it was falling along, right?. He was he was a devout person. He was in a very strong frame of mind for the temptation. He still hadn’t. Think about it, if you were the son of God, the question asked by say this war, literally since you are the son of God, instead of if you are the son of God, again, he’s telling him who he is. You’re a woman God. The work is twisted. Satan did not question Jesus didity. What is that? He does not question that you are a child of God. He does not question that grace has been placed upon your life. He challenges you to demonstrate it to vain words. This is why works can’t get you imagine. He is to get you to buildidel. I want myself. to prove that you are something, that he’s are indebted that you are. It challenges you to prove to you. these things. command these stones. A temptation to use God’s gifts for selfish purposes. Sat suggested, use think about it, to use miraculous miracle working power of God to do something for vanity. So this this this this test this this test with how Jesus um propode it was the account of the provision that God has already given. But Jesus will not commandly stones what he was doing was was referring to back to what Jesus quoted. referring them back to with two years went through. If you’re the son of God and God gave your other brothers and sisters Subhuusin matter from that, why don’t you just tell all your breath? Y yet Jesus will not command the stones, the turning the bread, even through the very persuasive suggestion of Satan. One could say to Jesus was being tested. for his gifts. By his gifts or because of his gifts. because he had the ability to feed himself with just a word, he would being tested to see if he would go into the luxury of it. He based the Lord to prove his sonship by catering for himself. He wanted him to indulge in the human pleasures. the right of the son of king, the son of God. You know how keen it works in the world today? The prince has asked for nothing. The prince asked for nothing. The prince is given everything. Even the keys to his father house at me. if he wants them, he needs not as. Satan was trying to bring forth that level of temptation. Youus say you are the king, you are saying you are the king’s son, you put it like at the king’s son. You you say you are the son of God, the creator of everything. Why doesn’t you like to you if you did only us need to be hungry? Didn’t you do you have to do this stuff? He was trying to cause the strength of his gifts to become his trial. Of course, basically from this is because he refuses to cater to himself. He could have stood against enemy, the enemy with his own uh show of glory, he could instead of get Satan would logic and reason, which sometimes we do he could have stood againstible but what Jesus decided to do is to stand against him with the word of God. Look, if you get nothing from, I could go on and be in the other two, um uh temptations, but I’m gonna sum it up with this. If you want to get the want to you want to survive the temptation that the lesser demon in your way, you have to fight it with the word. that is the only way you can do it. If you want if you are being tempted, or when you are tempted, cause you make just came through one temptation and God is gonna allow you to go into another temptation if you are led by the spirit and you are sons and daughters of God, know that you will be led into a title of of tempting in your life, and it will be more than once if you want to get through those temptations which you have to do is first and foremost, you have to trust in God. meaning of us don’t truly trust we just lip service. Many of us don’t truly trust we just say what we’ve heard and mimic what we’ve seen. No, trusting means that I truly put my home home and trust in. How does that work? I trust that when I get in my car, the car starts because it has all of the elements it needs. I have every I need because I hold it dear. I study. I’m shown myself approved. I have I have accepted him in my heart. I talked to him daily. Iice up with him daily. I go into my closet daily and have my intimate moments. I know that he is now my shield. He is my protector. I have that level of trust. I have that level of faith because I am spending that amount of time with him. My children can know that they are protected when they’re in my home, so if they’re in the place where they’re supposed to be, they know they have the protection of their father, they may not see me in the house and I don’t have to actually even be present in the house at all times, but they know that they are protected. They know that their father has placed provisions in their life, that if even if someone was to come to that door, unknown and I was not there, they have the necessary protections that they will be secure in that time. We also have that level of protection. We who are led by the spirit, sons and daughters of God, have the protection of being inside of the spiritual house of the Father, and we too as children can know that we are protected. And so when the enemy comes, when the enemy comes to tempt us because we’ve been led into that place, we’ve been led into a time of temptation. We’ve been led. Have you tried my servant Carlton? Have you tried my servant Sean? Have you tried my servants in your name? And the enemy says one of his lesser demons, because you ain’t great enough to get to get Satan. you know, that all Satan busy. Not in your life. That’s self importance. You don’t need to do anything. You you’re conceited. One is lesser big is now don’t get me wrong. They’re strong too. Don’t get me wrong. It feels like it’s Satan give it because he’s giving him to hit he’s giving him less of demons his power. And suppose authority. I say a suppose authority, because all authority and all power belongs to Christ Jesus. Come on now.’all have to agree with me on that one. Even though he’s giving them this stuff, all power and all authority belongs to Christ. So he gives them this façade that and gives them the thought process that they have this and they come with full assurance in the in the in the in the D in the one who sent them the demon that sent them same. They come due to tempt you with the fool assurance of the one who sent them to tempt you. We have to go and speak the word with the full assurance that his word is stronger than that demon. That his word will override anything that demon that principality that strong man can offer because we see Jesus using the word of God to confront Satan himself and Satan when we get to the end of what we would be reading right now has to flee. It didn’t say that he walked away. It says that he fleed. He fleed from the presence of God. When the angels came into terrible. Satan tried to convince Christ. to be selfish. Satan tries to convince us. to be the same. S selfish. Self.. Why don’ you think about the pinnacle of the table? Pickle of the templeose about 200 some feet from the floor in theauron Valley. If you look at the rules and walls and highs and pinnacless really high. It’s a big leap. not a sky squad way. You were hit turn over velocity, so you was high enough to hit on the lolo and before the ground. it was high enough up. but then I got what happened there. There was this promise of angel protection. It was it was quoding let me see if I could find it. robber a lot of these things that you was holding to the enemy was actually into the rob. And Markson out earlier. um know, Jesus quoted he was 16 and 16 but the um second was actually taking the word of God, Mr. Stew it and miscolding it um, not paraphrasing it, but morn. I didn’t look that way now. um, but but when Jesus says, you should not put to the lawyer or God to test, he’s talking about doing a six to 16, you must have test the law your god as you gave when you you were um you complain that theAS, you must diligent your later to man know your God, the laws and the crazy and give it was right and good the lower son. This is what Jesus is quot is talking to him. was trying to do, and trust to all of us. we can see this here, we see how to defeated. because he tries us to keep us to use our gifts for selfish gain. That’s why we have to be careful with the over blessings message. Now, God wants the blessing? does, I was telling you I said, but it may not be a G wagging., maybe he does more bless you with transportation so you can get around and spread the good news of the gospel and the glory of Jesus Christ of those who have not heard but as ears to hear those who have not seen, but have eyes to see those who are thirsting in the water, maybe he does want to bless you with a comfort for those reasons, not for you to be able to go to the mall by the back. Why he’s blessing you with a car? He’s not blessing you with money so you can buy a big mansion. You know, he doesn’t mind him living in a big mansion. live in a big mansion. But there’s mansion, but if he use for his glory. Well, saying wants you to do is he wants you to take that blessing that God who wants to give you. He wants to destroy that blessing that God wants to give give you, and he wants to have you to a point where where where where you think is all about you., God. No. everything it gives you this way his glory. so yes, what the bless you. it’s you have. Maybe a grain wagon. It may be a wagon in. It may just very well be a wagon. But it is use for the glory of God, then guess what? it is bless. Yes. Please bless. so here. he tates up to this high mountain. I’m I’m skipping on one of them. He takes this very high mountain is the last one. He takes this this extremely high mountain, we just talked about the tequille.. He said, I’ll give it to you up. Oh Jesus, I Saint says I want you to hear. He’s on admitted that Jesus is served God. He’s already admitted that he is the son of the father in heaven and that he in that statement that means that all authority all power all dominion or worship all everything belongs to him. everything that the owns belongs to the son of the father, the s son of father, Satan’sm here he comes in verse nine he takes him to this mountain no verse nine. He says, I will give it all to you, he said, if you would just kneel down and worship me, wait, wait, the devil took him to to took him and he showed him the people were very hot mountain. He showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory. He showed him what was his. He showed him what was his. He showed him everything. Look, man, Jesus, son of God, this is all yours, but if you and knew that that worship me, I’ll give it to you. I’m going to give you what it’s not mine. I am going to bless you. with that something that don’t belong to you. Like a traged hatges eggs, she has not laid. Satan was trying to give Jesus something that was not his. Jeremiah chapter 17 talked about trusting in the Lord, and it says like a praise that hat his eggs like a bird that hat his eggs that it has not laid or those who get their wealth by unjust means. What Satan was trying to do to Jesus is what he also does to allow us is that he has us to seek wealth by unjust means, even from the place in which I stand behind pulpits. The Bible warns about it and Jesus was tempted by it the same thing that tips pastor Paul behind the pul pit is going to be the same thing that tips Bishop Howell behind the pul pit, which is the same thing that Jesus was tempted by. a falsity of what is already his Salvation is free and it is mine and his I don’t have to bow down to anything anyone in order to get it that is on this earth. The one who I give my worship to is the father in heaven and Lord Jesus Christ. Satan comes and what he does when we see this here, like a bird, he has eggs that are not his. He’s gonna hatch them and say here, you can have what’s yours. you worship me. How was that work? Jesus were books. Jesus’ Rubux? Well, where did Jesus’s get to work? Well, he finds it. in in in what was written and do the writing. They didn’t break it into chap likely to. But he finds it in in the scroll let’ say a scroll they made in run of me, let’s use it like that. This is, you must feel the Lord, your God and serve him. You must not worship any other gods. Six 13. You should have it all the dots. None. None. Blessed of those who trust in the law. But this is what he says about us who who give into that temptation. this is what happens and so many of them doing this is why we see it happening in the world today. it says, um so al those who be there well u means admit life, they will lose their richeches. understand Admit they will lose their riches in the end, they will become poor old fools. But we, you and I all about the Christ Jesus, we’re disciples of his, but we we worship at your throne. eternal high and glorious we worship, you know, who we worship, we worship the Lord, the hope of Israel, who turn away everyone, all of them from disgrace. He turns us away from disgrace. He turns away from it turns us away from that disgrace, that disgrace that comes from the same nature. He turns us away from it, and it’s because he was tempted that he understands what we’re going through. Remember he cannot be identified with us. And so Jesus looks at Satan and says, get out of here. Depart from me. He talking for the scripture say, 48 it is written? You must worship the Lord, your God only and serve him only. Then the double went away in the angels came and took care of him. The angels came and took care of him, and at that point Jesus starts to begin his ministry. We haven’t even got to Jesus’ mission. He just now after all of that, he starts to walk into his ministry. He came, he humbled to himself and allowed himself to be baptized by his cousin upon being baptized by his cousin that had opened up the spirit of the Lord descended upon him and he said it was like a dove. He said he was like a dove, the holy Spirit, he descended, he descended upon him like a dove and rested upon him, and the sky again was there in a voice from heaven spoke and said, this is my son, whom I will pleased the father acknowledged him. Remember Naziah, he acknowledges you and he tells you each and every one of you children of God, spiritual Israel that he loves you. We find that in a chop in tune, the the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel was given to you just as the dove descended down upon Christ Jesus in the heavens opened up, God said, I love this man here, my son, and I am pleased in him. I will please is for me a direct qualization to I love you, son. My dad used to told me I love you that let me know that he was pleased with me, but dad didn’t say I love you much, when he says, son, I love you, they let me know that he was durn proud of me. And so just like with you and me, Jesus, I’m sorry, just like with Jesus you and I also have had the Holy Spirit given for us and to us. we find this on that day of Pentecost so we two can happen. We’re gonna learn how this we move through the gospel of Matthew. We who are led by the spirit then just like Christ for all this happened, the large cross of theirs witnessed by many, many, many was witnessed by a spirit took him immediately and took him into a barren and desolate place. and allowed him to be tested, to be tempted. We two, just like Christ can pass through the temptation in the valley of the shadow and death, we can pass through like David said, and fear not evil, and why because David even told us king David told us, and we was speaking about the giving of the holy Spirit, I believe he was talking about us being able to walk with Christ in this yea oh, I walk through the valley of the shadow andeaf. I can fear no evil, I can walk through because I am not alone. You are not alone. You know, Jesus was in the wood in the he was never alone. the spirit that led him, never left him, remember? Think about him. the Bible never says that the Holy Spirit left him in the wilderness, the whole the Bible just says that the spirit led him into the wilderness. The Holy Spirit will still there in the wilderness with him, the miraculous miracle would not have happened for the mortal body if the spirit was not dead, the same way the spirit was dead with Elijah, the spirit when there with bones of the spirit was that was Jesus. The double can use and he can paraphrase word of God, but how you defeat that is using the whole word. Know his word. you come out on the other end of the 40 days, you can come out on the other end of that fast, being fed by the engines will be more more than that rested and and assured of victory. just like that one thief on the cross next to Christ, all of you have to do is call upon the name of Lord. Is that symbol in that heart with the envy? Is the his his meanings with on tell him that there is no power in that name? That’s why who was talking about it earliest. I I went through the various translations of the name, Green translation of the name, the German translation of the name, the Hebrew translation of the name, the English translation of the name, they’ll try to tell you that if you don’t see it in this way, translation is that whole power, if you don’t say it in that translation is not whole power, remember the enemy paraphrases the word of God. It says that name doesn’t the name. It says there’s. Those who call upon the name of whatever language you have, the son of the most high God, his name manuel means God with us. If you call upon that name, no matter what language it is, you will be saved. The temptation is that he will pair oh, well, you know, you said Jesus, you let the Hebreusm tell you, you said Jesus, the sures so there’s no power in in the in in the w Western c colonized name of Jesus. It’s a lie. His name is his name in English is Jesus. Emmanuel, God with us. There’s power in that name. Oh and. Yes, sir. Oh, you didn’t in Korean. Yes, sir, you said it and he no. So I. The double would come and try to trick you and think that there’s no power in the name. When you know who you’re speaking about, you know who you talk about. I don’t care what language it is. You identify with the person of Christ. And so you know and I can know.. Thank God is with us. I love that man. God that is the mean behind the name. Christ, you not the not where the Hamashir or Christ because you are not God with us. This is Matthew in chapter four. First one believe that.. Wonder in amazement. there are gonna be some heavy ones that we before. And we’re gonna the last part of of of chapter four, I wanted to do the breakout sessions in. So, as we are a learning church, we church that educates ourselves.. for next Sunday, I need you to study chapter 4 verses 12 through 25. That’s the rest of chapter four. gonna break out a small sessions. with someone who don’t really talk to you in here. That’s supposed to be leaving. We I’ discuss it. That’s gonna be church next week. We’ll get past some more instructions. We just gonna need it. We’re gonna break out in a session. It’s gonna be here. We gonna break out the sessions. I discuss what you learned over the week. Please study. don’t don’t don’t not come cause you got some assignment. We are a learning church. I I’ve been trying to show you all is more than just about a man or when we get behind the secret desk or spook it in and and and speaking the express a word to you that you too can learn your word. But you have to be willing to do it. I can’t get you in the head. I can’t. I can’t preach you in heaven. I can temporarily make you happy. One temporarily make you. I in a hard word myself. I can’t get you in heavenope. I can dress like a complete drum, bomb, or dress in theines. I won’t get you in heaven. I can be the most dynamic and and prolific creature ever known, that can move crowds and just feel goosebums, which is basically I could err on and you feel that right now. at you in now. You have to believe. I can’t increase your knowledge by trying to hit you to die exactly yourself. so yeah, the whole stud this weekend. this week. got a whole week. First 12 to first 25. Last part of Matthew back before. You’ll see something so awesome to start of the ministry of Christ. You you you think about what’s gonna happen this week. If you do this, if dow is instructions, be damned or curs if you don’t, you go home and say, I’m not doing what that crazy man says. can’t deal with be nobodyhere because it’s for you. You mean like you f fell in class, you gonna be welcome. let’s me, come in high stud thatap. You ain’t not asking, no problem. But what I tell you the bus that you get if you do do me, you you’ll come to understand a law first mention. You understand law first. But first of the ministry of Christ, we always say I want to be like the early church like the early chairs. I wanna be like the early churches. They learn about Christ when he first started the ministry. See what he did. See what he ass. walk in his pass. I a start like aver 17. We don’t stop. You’re gonna be here. And I don’t wanna take away, yes, Tammy, I don’t look at the clock. He’ looking at the clock. I won’t all study. TV. it, do it, do trust me. We’re gonna have more breakout sessions. you know, you. in our Sunday services. We’re gonna have more sessions. Is’t not gonna be be the all of the preaching? No, we’re gonna say, we’re gonna read the word to you, we should break out in the sessions and and talk about his study. calm together and let list for one another. I’ to do something in each and everywhere you could teach me about the word God if you just want to study, you will find something that I never saw. I’m telling you, you’ll find something no so. I found something. somebody called me yesterday and said, man, a guy got a question for you. who is the feeling the blanket? I said, now. He said, uh. I mean, where is it actually saying in the b? I was like, I don’t know. I took me to a Pasooop anyway, and I can’t believe it a little bit that well. said all easiest as I can standing bottle I read three times from the cover the cover ready three times. The new king James like the King James, I made it through a bar chapter. my book in King James, but I read the new king James at three times. one time I was in the field. The entire bottle wall in the field, imagine that. That doesn’t dedication, and no sleep. in that, that that one with your little. was like, oh, wow, I can’t believe that. I know what that is. I’ve never saw it. Boom. So, trust me. what that this thing now? Go’t stay here. Just come around to me. It sharpen each other. Iron shoppers iron sharp.. get that seat. I think you
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