God of the Impossible

Presented by Pastor Carlton Howell

Well, good afternoon, good afternoon. It is a very beautiful day. It is a day of, my wife said it was a day of sundresses, and she didn’t wear one. She said it’s a day of sundresses. She walked outside. She was thinking it was cold.She had a sweater on, and she walked out. She said, oh, I’m not dressed for the right weather. It’s warm out here. It’s a sundress day. I should have worn my sundress, but, you know, it happens that way. It happens that way, and she still looks good. Yeah, I’m gonna say that about her like I can. I can get away with that. I was teetering between three or four messages, not knowing which way the Lord wanted me to go.

Definitely some of them not really, not that I wanted, did not want to speak to them, but they were heavier on me than most, and I started thinking about the prophet Elijah and the prophet Jeremiah. I started thinking about what’s going on also inside of our world. I don’t care where you look or how you tend to think, and then also what’s going on inside of, say, the church, the church as a whole, not one individual church, not one individual church house, but I’m talking about the body of Christ, and as I was thinking about it, I started really thinking about the children of Israel because you can’t really look at what’s going on now and not see what the children of Israel were doing in the old covenant days.

Two, two passages of scripture really came up, and it kind of combined or tried to combine multiple messages that we have really spoke about over time, and I told my wife, I was like, I don’t know if I really want to talk about this because I don’t want it to be, I don’t want it to be a rebuke because it’s not, but it’s more of an eye-opener, if we will, to what is going on in the perception in the minds of many believers. It’s one foot in and one foot out of nature, neither hot nor cold, but a little bit of both. One foot in in things of the Lord, and one foot into the things of the world, and really being divided and looking at said thing, and when you think about the book of Jeremiah, so we’re gonna, it’s gonna have two fundamental verses today.

We’ll be in Jeremiah and 1 Kings, just to kind of take a look at it so I can maybe describe in some form or detail what it is the Lord was really messing with my brain about, but I wanted to title this the God of the impossible, and the reason why I titled it the God of the impossible is because, first and foremost, irregardless of what we’re doing, He is still God, He is still able, and He is still willing to want all of His children to be with Him, and it’s the verse that we’re going to be talking about is one I think is very familiar to us, but also is something that we couldn’t find that even personally we are guilty of at times in our life, and that is a lack of commitment, where we don’t overly, we don’t overly say forsake the will of God, but we do have some divisiveness in how we approach Him, and how open we are, therefore, to sin, and again, it’s not forsaking Him. We do know His word, and we do have a desire to fulfill His word in our life, or have His word fulfilled in our life, but we find ourselves against a backdrop of maybe supreme evil. In the book of Jeremiah, in the 32nd chapter, between verses 16 through chapter 3, verse 3, we can find some very similar things going on here.

I’m not going to take time and read all of that. I am going to read one thing when we get to some verses, so bear with me, because we would be here reading for at least 15 minutes if I went through all that, so just jot that down. Jeremiah chapter 32, verse 16, through Jeremiah 33, verse 3. That’s the portions of Jeremiah that I’m going to be coming from.

When we look at the book of Jeremiah, we see that it is truly written against the backdrop of kind of what I’m attempting to allude to is the backdrop of said supreme evil, and the supreme evil that I’m speaking of is the people of God have walked away

from God, and they have embraced idols. They have embraced other gods. They have embraced pagan ways.

They have let it become a part of their character, and because of the very thing that they were doing, sin, God brought his judgment upon his people, and they ended up suffering a time of pain, sorrow, death, and judgment, and to have clarity for this, this is not the first time that the children of God has done this, so to understand this, this is not the first time. We have to go to, I want to say it’s 1 Kings chapter 18, and in 1 Kings chapter 18, we find a similar event, and this similar event, the prophet makes a, I would say almost a statement to the children of Israel. Now what’s going on is Ahab, and we know the story.

I’ve preached it. I’ve taught it, drilled it into not only my brain, but I think you all, because I really like the life of the prophet Elijah, but in 1 Kings 18, he says something very pronounced to them. Let me get to it real quick.

It should be on the thing, my son. 1 Kings 18, is it there? Yeah, and verse 21.

read 1 Kings 18 and Verse 21

He says something very interesting. He came to people. He said, how long will you falter between two opinions? How long will you be one foot in and the other foot somewhere else? He’s saying, how long will you falter between two opinions if God, if the Lord is God, follow him, but if Baal, follow him? Then he goes on to say that they had no answer.

Now there’s a whole lot that went on about it, but as we very, if we look at the current things that are happening in just inside of the kingdom, I’m not talking about the world at this point. I’m not talking about the world. I’m only speaking about the things of the king.

What’s going on in the house of believers? If what’s going on in the house of believers, how can our good works not be evenly spoken of if we’re one foot in, one foot out? Only half of us are being there. And there is a referendum on Christ’s church because of his people, not everyone, but a group wanting to turn away. And of course, again, this is not the first time.

And the sad part about it is that this will not be the last. So I’m speaking about what happened then so that we may see what’s also happening now. And we have to, in that instance, and in this instance, as they did, we also do have to make a choice of whom we’re going to serve.

Let’s take a, well, let’s go into what the apostle said in the new covenant. In 1 Peter 4, verse 17, he says, for it is time, destined for judgment to begin with the household of God. So if you understand what the apostle here is saying, that all judgment, when it comes to God giving judgment, first starts with his house.

We can’t fix anything outside of our own house unless our house is in order. Because then we’re just a hypocrite. This is why so many people laugh and scoff at the name of Christians, because our house is out of order.

Our house looks so much like the world. And the world who we’re supposed to reach to give them a better standard and way of living, yet we try to be too much like them. And so he says there’s a destined time in 1 Peter 4, 17, there’s a destined time for judgment.

And that judgment will begin with the household of God. He says, if it begins of us, begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not respect or believe or obey the gospel? What would that be? What will be the outcome? So back to the story ahead. Jeremiah here, Jeremiah, he was sent to these people, right? And we see this when we go to Jeremiah 32.

We get around the 16th verse. He said, now when I had delivered the purchase deed to brought the son of Nehemiah, I prayed to the Lord saying, ah, Lord God, behold, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for you.

You show loving kindness to thousands. You repay the equity of the fathers to the bosom of the children after them, the great and mighty God. He goes on, he’s speaking, he’s speaking.

And then we get down to, we get down to verse 27. And in verse 27, we’ll just go to the, we’ll go to verse 26, because that’s when the Lord starts speaking. Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying, behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.

Is there anything too hard for me? Thus, therefore, thus says the Lord, behold, I will give this city into the hands of the Canaanians, into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar the king. We know that that happened. We know about the three Hebrew boys, the king of Babylon, and he shall take it.

And the Chaldeans who fight against the city shall come and set fire to bow and pour all drink offerings to other gods to provoke me to anger. He’s telling them what is going on. We skip down to verse 35.

Therefore, thus say of the Lord, the God of Israel concerning this city, which you say it shall be living into the hands of the kingdom of Babylon by the sword, by famine, by pestilence, behold, I will gather all the countries where I have driven them in my anger, in my fury. We skip down verse 42. Why am I doing this again? This is a lot to read, and I’m not, I don’t want to read all of it.

But thus says the Lord, just as I have brought all this great calamity on these people, I will bring on them all the good I have promised them. That’s what I want to end with right here. He says, even though I have brought all of these things because of what they

have done to me, in the end it will be for their good.

So there’s a lot to take in, and it’s a lot of doom and gloom at first. You hear about the children of Israel going into captivity. You hear about people warred against them, and it would ultimately seem that they are not going to make it.

However, when the Lord gets done, he tells them that this will be for their good. Somehow he is allowing these things to happen, that it would be for their good. There will be 50 years that Jeremiah preached in a climate for over 50 years, and people just did not want to hear from him.

He was not a liked individual, because it was a tragic time that was coming up for Israel. He was sent to preach a message of judgment to children who would not obey their father. He was sent to a people to let them know that they had angered God by their actions, and they were about to be judged, and it would hurt.

They were about to be punished. Jeremiah was commanded to tell them that their nation was literally going to be invaded. That is not what I’m saying.

He was sent to tell them that they are going to be taken captive. That is not what I’m saying. I am not, so don’t nobody come and put words in my mouth.

I’m not saying the United States is going to be invaded. I am not saying we’re going to be taken captive. I want you to hear what the Spirit is saying.

He was sent to deliver a message of final judgment to their king. As a result, Jeremiah was the most unpopular prophet of all, of all the prophets. He was not, he was the most unpopular.

In fact, he was arrested and thrown in prison for preaching and speaking the truth. This, I will say, there is a day that is coming that those who preach the truth will be persecuted. I’m not saying that is today.

Thus, Jeremiah, he wrote a passage that we read, and many of the passages that I am quoting today, out of a very tragic and difficult times that were to come for the people of Israel at the time, and I’m speaking about a time if we do not change, a spiritual tragic time that will come for us. I am not saying that anyone is going to hell, but I’m telling you right now, we will all stand before the white throne of judgment, and he will play the tapes for us, and I do not want to sit and see myself. No one is going to be there.

No one can take up for you. Mama and daddy can not help you at this point, but you’re going to be standing there, and it doesn’t mean you’re not getting to heaven, but you’re going to watch what you have done, and you’re going to count. I have had to replay the things of my life back over to myself.

I’m not sure how I want to replay them to my God. While Jeremiah sat in prison, the Lord came to him with a word of hope, though. There is hope, and just like there is hope, even in the midst of this very awesomely bad prophecy that he has given to the children of Israel, God brings forth hope in the midst of the tragedy that he is about to allow to happen.

He came with a word of blessing, with a word of promise. The words of Jeremiah offer that same promise to us even now today, as we look and we see a a church that looks so much like the world, where we see people who say they love God, hate others for no cause, where we use the Bible as a weapon against others, where we use it to tear down others and destroy others, but not to speak truth to fact. There’s a difference between speaking truth to fact and love and tearing it down and using it as a weapon.

There is a difference between that. There is a difference between saying something and not being able to live it out. And so there is hope in these words.

There is blessings and promise, and it’s offered to us today the same as it is to them before. If you do not know, spiritually we are in rough times. They’re rough spiritually.

There is so much confusion about how to follow God from being accepting of things that are not to be accepted of, but also how do you love something that the Bible tells you is not right? Times are tough economically. Times are tough for the church, for the family, for individuals. This is just rough, and they’ve been tough for a very long time.

This is not anything new under the sun. This isn’t something that started yesterday, two days ago, a millennia ago. This has been tough for a minute.

We are in, I don’t know which trimester or which month of the birthing pains, but we’re in birthing pains. It has to be rough. Nothing is born that does not cause contractions.

And so yes, Zion is travailing, it is birthing, and so it is rough. And that’s why we come to understand that God is the God of the impossible. These are the things that’s going to happen, he told the children of Israel through Jeremiah.

This is going to happen. You’re going to be in captivity, you’re going to be defeated on every side, but I have a promise for you that in the end you will win. You’re going to lose your land, you’re going to lose everything.

You’re going to find yourself right back where you was in Egypt. Well, you’re not going to be technically in Egypt. And all of this is happening because you disobeyed me, consistently, over and over again.

Since I brought you up out of the land of Egypt, you have consistently ran to other gods. They did it with Moses. I mean, they just came out of Egypt.

Just walked out of a place of torment. It sounds like us. Just got through with the breakthrough.

Walked out of Egypt, saw God do a mighty thing in the Red Sea. Go to the mountain and make themselves a god, because the man of God was on top of them. Hadn’t been gone away a whole year, or maybe a year.

They already had Aaron make for them another god. You get all the times up to Elijah. And once again, an evil king comes.

They seen what happened when you follow after the Lord. They seen what happened when you disobey him with King Saul. You see what happens when you obey him, and even though you mess up, God is graceful and merciful that he is wanting to forgive you.

You see that with King David. You see what happens when you truly follow after God and you want him more than you want your own kingdom, King Solomon, where he will make you the wisest person. And then you find yourself up under a wicked king, and you see what happens when an Ahab and a Jezebel comes along.

And the kingdom is now brought to his knees once again. I know of God, and I know my Bible. I know some scriptures, but I do not want to live it out, because the world is too tantalizing.

So I’m one foot in and one foot out. And so again, you see the prophet Elijah asking the children of Israel, how long are you just going to sit here and go between these two opinions? It’s either God or Baal. You’re either hot or cold.

Jesus makes the same statement to us that the prophet Elijah did. You’re either hot or cold. If you look warm, if you one foot over here, one foot out, I’m spitting you out my mouth.

If the Lord is God, follow him. If Baal is, then go with him. And so we get to Jeremiah, and then we’re doing it again.

And I say we, as I’m speaking, because we have been grafted into the family. Not that you are personally doing anything, but we have to see what is going on and why these things are happening the way they’re happening, because it’s nothing that is new. In verses 17 through 22, there is Jeremiah, you can see some confidence that Jeremiah has in the Lord.

He is praying here a great prayer of hope. He is presenting the evidence that he has collected about God that shows him to be the God of the impossible. He has found hope in desperation because of a desperate time.

He actually considers the very nature of God in his prayer. Since God doesn’t change, we

see Malachi 3 and 6 and Hebrews 13 and 8, God does not change. We can have that same rested assurance of the hope of who God is even today.

So I want you to look at the very foundation of Jeremiah’s confidence in God. Go to verse 17. We’re in chapter 32.

Again, I told you I’m gonna jump around a lot, so bear with me. He says in verse 17, I, Lord God, behold, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for you.

There’s nothing too hard for you. You are the God of the impossible. I know what you said is about to come and occur and going to happen, but I know that there is nothing too hard for you that even though this is going to happen that your people will make it through.

There is an if, if they do trump to trust in me. His creation, even in the midst of despair because he’s given this very heavy word, states that he’s the God of the impossible. Perhaps the greatest commentary on God’s power lies in Genesis 1.1. Maybe that is the best way to declare him by his creation, us.

In the beginning, there was God. In the beginning, God created what? Heaven and the earth. He created everything.

Regardless of what lies in the path, in the beginning, God did. In the beginning, God was. If we remember that today in the beginning, he was and is, yet still reigns.

He is the God who made it all. And if he can make everything out of nothing, we can trust him wholeheartedly above any other gods or idols or American idols or French idols or whatever it may be to take care of us today. The problem with the children of Israel during those times is that they did not trust him to take care of them in the midst of whatever it is they were in.

And so they turned to other gods because it was pleasing to them, not him. To please the flesh, they turned to other gods. To be a part of the crowd, they turned to other gods, knowing still and yet that he is God.

When they were in Egypt, they did not recognize God for over 400 years until another pharaoh who did not know Jacob came along. And when he didn’t know Jacob, he battered the Israelites. He enslaved them.

He became a taskmaster unto them, the Bible says. He was a taskmaster. And at that point, what was deep down in them came out because they cried unto the Lord for relief.

So why is it that they had to go back into captivity again? Because once again, they forgot who he is, who he was, and who he will always be. They forgot that he is the one

who brought something from nothing. Everything from nothing.

400 years, they got comfortable. But even when the taskmaster in Egypt was beating upon him, the Bible says that they multiplied, yet they didn’t call on him. Only when it got so hard did they call on him.

So regardless of the life’s path, if we trust in what God, who God is, what God does, and what he can do, we can also have the same promises, have the same blessings, and understand the very language that he uses. This is part of his character. You may say, well, pastor, what is his character? Well, let’s look at what Jeremiah says about his character.

We can go to verse 18. He said, you show loving kindness to thousands and repray the iniquity of the fathers to the bosom of their children after them, the great and mighty God, whose name is Lord of hosts. Verse 19, he says, your counsel, I’m sorry, you are great in counsel and mighty in work, for your eyes are open to all the ways of the son of men, to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doing.

Hold on to verse 19. You will set sights, I’m sorry, signs and wonders in the land of Egypt to this day and in Israel and among other men. And you have made yourself a name, as it is this day.

You’re great in counsel, mighty in work, for your eyes are open to all the ways of the son of men, to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doing. God’s character, this is a language that Jeremiah is using to describe God. It serves to remind us of some things.

He is who he is. He is, first and foremost, the God of grace. We can sit and we can know that.

He is the God of love. He is the God of mercy. And he is the God of provision.

We see that in these verses. He is the God of miracles. He is the God of power.

You can see that laid out in these verses. He is the God who moves heaven and earth and suspends every law of nature, if necessary, to meet the very needs of his children. We see that also in here.

He is also the God who will deal with his children according to what they have done. He is a father. He is the best example of a father that we can have.

He will deal with his children accordingly, per their actions and per what they do. He doesn’t care what you think. It’s not about your feelings.

He’s going to deal with you according to you, not to me, not to what I say, but according to him. He is the father. He is going to do what is necessary.

He has not changed. He has not changed. He has always been the same.

We, in our understanding of who he is, has developed over the years, but God has not changed. He is the same God when he said, let there be, as he will be as the God who will say it is finished. He knows what needs to take place and what he has set in place and what his purposes are he will have.

It is not our decision on which what we want to see him do. It is what he wants to do and what he wills to do. When we come to understand it is not about us, but it is about him, then we’re able to recognize and appreciate all of the things, whether good or bad, that comes to happen.

Job says it to his wife when she says, why don’t you just curse God and die? He says, do I accept the good things from God and not the bad? And some would say, well, why God don’t give bad things? He doesn’t allow bad things. Well, we see that in Job’s life. He allows things.

We see it also in the Apostle Paul. He allows these things in order that we may lose that area of life called pride. It is a conversion that he is trying to get us to go through.

He is, he is, it is a molding of sorts that is happening that he’s doing to us. He’s molding. He’s proofing it with fire.

It does not feel good, but if we were to have the confidence in what he’s doing, not trusting in, say, prevailing powers of the world, just like with the children of Israel, we will see his glory in what we do. So Jeremiah finds some confidence in the power that the Lord has displayed. And he does display to as where he finds comfort in what is going to happen.

And here’s what I mean by he found comfort in, in trying to find comfort or he found comfort in what the Lord has done with what the Lord is getting ready to allow to happen to the children of Israel. Again, there is a point of reference for Jeremiah to go back and look at. And where he goes and looks back at for a point of reference is the time when the children of Israel were in Egypt.

When they were in Egypt, they were facing the same thing. They were in captivity. They were brought into a time of captivity because during that time they were worshiping the Pharaoh’s gods.

Well, they were worshiping Pharaoh as God because they believed that Pharaoh was a god. However, the Lord God, the Lord of hosts, as he says, his name is the Lord of hosts, brought them out of said captivity. And so he recounted how the Lord moved heaven and earth to deliver his children from Egypt.

He writes, when I say moved heaven and earth, he sent down fire to a bush. He parted

water and seas. He overthrew kingdoms that the children of Israel may be free and brought them to a land that he promised them the land of Cana.

Right, he goes and he talks about how God demonstrated his power and in that he had confidence in what God would do for them even though God is telling him that calamity is coming because of their actions. And when we understand that, we can know that no matter what we’re doing when we turn our eyes back to the Father and proclaim his name in his name only, we will see the same proclamation for us in this life. So if the church, the body of Christ, if those who claim to be a part of the kingdom was to simply turn their eyes away from evil, repent, the Bible says, repent and return back to him those same promises of redemption and salvation from the very captivity of the spiritual debacle that is going on inside of this world we will be delivered of.

I really think that God, I know of course according to the word of God, that he is going to make these things brand new. We’re going to see new Jerusalem, new earth, new heaven, all of these things new and I want to be a part of it. I want to have all, I want to be able to be recognized by God.

It used to be my hope just to get into heaven. I have that promise that I’m in that I will be there but I want to sit among the seat of those where he says you did good. I don’t want to have to go and then try my best to explain away why I wanted to somewhat be in the world, why I wanted it to be about me, why I became so self-centered, why I became so self-loathing, why I became so me, me, me.

I don’t want that. I don’t want to say, well Lord, yeah I know it was about you but, but, but, but, but, but, we can all add in our own buts. I don’t want to throw in too many of mine.

I may be too embarrassed to do it. When I think about him creating the light of the world, I am amazed. When I think about him, him and the vastness of the universe, I am in awe.

When I think about how he created the stars, the moon, just all of these things that he, he has done, he’s, he’s, he’s created us in the very complexity of life where it just, so how do we exist? All of the things that went in to make us, it’s, it’s, it don’t add up. Only by his grace did we come and I want to be able to, to enjoy all of that for eternity to come so I can become speechless. But it is that he is that God of the impossible that, that I just like Jeremiah can have the confidence to say that if we do not turn from those ways and repent, regardless of what we halfway do.

God doesn’t want a halfway saint. A saint is, is not a sinner who somewhat got up. A saint is not a sinner that just sat up in his chair for a moment but kept half of his, anybody ever got up out of the bed and you halfway got up, like you put your legs off the edge of the bed and just kind of laid there? Maybe I’m the only idiot who does that.

Anybody ever been halfway walking through the house trying to do something? It don’t work out too well as usually when you burn yourself, you cut yourself, you forget the kid in the house, usually your second born, never the first because you’re too careful with the first born. You forget the second born and you don’t take the third born off the top of the car. You know, anybody ever been in that predicament where you kind of been halfway there and not really there? It never really works out for the benefit.

This is, this is, this is how our faith cannot be. We can’t be halfway in. Yes, we are prone.

We’re going to make mistakes. That is not, that is, it’s not taking away from we’re going to make mistakes. We’re going to make mistakes and it becomes a crisis.

It becomes a crisis in nature because I know I’m going to make mistakes but I should not be willingly going and doing it. So the problem that Jeremiah faced that I also believe that we face is that God’s people are blessed. When you go out in the world you will see that God’s people are blessed.

They will be blessed. They are blessed but at the same time they’re refusing to walk in the will of the Lord. It’s a conundrum.

It’s a crisis. I want to tell you that you are blessed in heavenly places and that God is, but if you’re walking in things that you’re refusing to walk in the will of God, you’re refusing to obey God. How do we go out into the world and say look you are his child.

You are, you are favored. The word tells you you are favored. You are blessed.

You’re not, you’re not just favored. You are highly favored. He loves you but you’re experiencing the judgment of God in this way because he refused to walk in his will but you’re blessed.

See how Jeremiah has this crisis and why we who are to preach the truth of God also have a crisis today. I’m supposed to tell you you’re blessed but also judged. Yes you are a child of God.

No you’re, if you’re in Christ Jesus you ain’t nobody taking the love away from you of God. No it’s not happening but you are being judged because you are not walking in his will. Why am I seeing the wrath of God be poured out? Well there’s an inner disturbance of the soul that is going on within you.

Remember at the point of salvation your spirit is saved. Your soul, your soul is on the path to sanctification and your flesh is being put under. I told my brother I said we got to stop trying to kill the flesh to walk in the spirit and instead start walking in the spirit that we may put the flesh down.

So we’re perplexed by what we see and what is going on and happening around us

because in this time of worldly crisis we see people who are believers who I know who are saved by grace walking around and they don’t look like they are and yet we know that the Lord says that this is going to happen. You see that in verse 24. We see that someone is who is holy living is looked at and then is crowned upon and we forget that we’re supposed to go out into the world and witness to those not the righteous but those who are truly lost.

Those who are living in ways that they should not be living. Those who do not know the goodness of the grace of God and we’re supposed to be doing that but we’re not following the will of God because instead of doing that we’re putting them down. We’re destroying them.

We’re bashing them. We’re writing laws against them. I’m saying that we should be for them in that way but we should be for them.

You can pick whatever subject you want to but it goes against the word of God. Yeah it goes it goes against his law. That’s why we should be going after them.

That’s why we should be going after him according to his law. What law? The royal law of love. Yet we don’t.

Those who endure to the end shall be saved. That means we those who love to the end. Yes God is judging all nations not just this one.

All. We see what’s going around the world and this is nothing new. It’s not gonna stop but we have to individually and collectively be of one purpose to do the of God and we’re gonna suffer for doing what is right.

Even as the economy suffers we’re gonna suffer at a point too. When moral wickedness surround us and it wants to grow and infect us and we continue to speak truth we will suffer. But it’s a blessed suffering.

It’s a blessed suffering because it’s not unto yourself that you’re suffering. You say why is this thing happening to me? Some of us are going through some things because we are doing right. Not because we’re doing wrong.

Some of us have found ourselves in jail because we’re speaking the truth. We have to have a discerning spirit to know the difference between the two and the way to discern it the way to know it is am I doing what the Lord requires of me? If the answer is yes your suffering is not in vain. If the answer is no he is trying to get you back on a path that of his choosing his path his way his life.

So we have to know what is this why am I suffering? Am I suffering because of the truth? Just look at it those who spoke the truth even in new covenant days suffered. Paul, Peter, all of them and it was glorious suffering. All of them died.

John he was secluded on an island they thought he was insane but the plan they followed like Jeremiah. The plan was followed there there was a recipe for this. If you don’t follow the recipe you’ll find that when you’re you’ll find that you’re a person who is not well grounded.

There is always a potential that someone who is not well grounded will fall to waysides in time of trouble. That’s why we got to be grounded firmly rooted in his word. Because think about it after Jeremiah was thrown into prison many of us when we’re facing the tormos of speaking the truth and the tormos of speaking the truth.

Anybody ever know what it what it feels like to speak the truth? The purchase price of the truth to be spoken we we see that there’s some transactions that happens in in Jeremiah. There is some moments that Jeremiah had doubt. Think about it this dude is out there preaching the truth to a nation who is turned against like they all maybe a little remnant but they all turned away.

He’s telling them that their nation is about to be destroyed and all the people about to be taken away to Babylonians and slaves yet he tells yet in the same breath he’s buying a plot of land. He’s buying a piece of property. How do you buy that property in the first place if we’re about to be destroyed? Because maybe just maybe God has a plan for the future.

Why are we stepping out upon on faith even though I know that there is a time of trouble coming because just I just know that God has a plan for the future. I know that he is having me to preemptively make an investment that is going to set up for generations to come even though I am in right now a time of trouble. Jeremiah is buying a piece of property that he’ll probably never see in his lifetime but that piece of property is much less going to be there to be used.

In fact we see that when the Lord makes a way that we do not understand it generally leaves us perplexed but we have to trust and we have to confess that there are many things that we are not going to understand especially we’re walking in his way and not our own but there is predicaments that we are going to fear throughout the walk of life and throughout the walk of God but we’re not we’re told not to be afraid but you say well pastor you say we’re going to fear yes you’re going to fear but he’s telling you not to be afraid what he’s saying is don’t give into worry he says don’t let your fear control you don’t let your fear make you do things don’t don’t make your fear have you to chase after something that is not of God whatever it may be don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t call don’t let anxiety come don’t become a double minded man a woman person let’s put it like that part of Jeremiah’s crisis came from the fact that he really didn’t want to look like a fool but he was in prison buying a piece of land when the nation was on the brink of destruction that seems foolish but he thought the people around him would think he had lost his mind and they probably did but I want you to think about this Moses was

commanded to hold a stick over an ocean when the people of God were under attack Moses was also commanded to cut down a tree and throw it into a pool of water that it may be made drinkable well let’s talk about Moses a little bit more Moses was commanded to strike a rock so the people of God can have water to drink the people of Israel was commanded to look at a snake on a pole to be healed of a snake bite these are all of the foolish things of God Isaiah was commanded to walk around naked as an object lesson to the king of Israel like what yeah Isaiah 20 five was interesting none of those things make sense but they’re all of the will of God I mean the Lord does not always make sense to us to our minds but in absolute obedience we have to understand that it is up to him the whole point of this message is that it’s up to him it’s his will not ours it’s our duty just to trust him brother laughed at a story I told him the other day this is type of trust that we have to have there was a there’s a young boy he was on a plane and the plane was flying and they came across some turbulence and the plane was going up and it was going down and was shaking left sorry left and shaking right everybody on the plane was afraid they were oh you ever been on a plane with bad turbulence you kind of get that that ruling your stomach you know like oh like a real bad case of indigestion you’re afraid I think it’s going down but the little boy was just sitting playing with his toys he’s playing with toys having a good old time it’s a plane is shaking you know and baking and up and down and then you know and the kid’s like we you don’t care he’s he’s just happy and a lady looks at him she said young man how can you be so calm when the shade when the plane is going left and it’s going right and it’s going up and it’s going down and it’s all these sounds and engines coming on and going off and all this she said he looked at her he said because my daddy’s the pilot he could trust who was flying the plane because he knew who was flying the plane who was in control of it him worrying and getting afraid and getting scared was not going to change but he trusted the person who was navigating who was flying that plane because that was his daddy it was his father this is how we are to trust God in the midst of why in the world do you want me to buy a plot of land when the land is being taken away and I am in prison and your people are in captivity what yes lord I will trust you it is our duty to trust them in spite of what we do not know okay let me put this in another way it is it is it is our duty to trust them in spite of what we do know it’s our duty to trust them in spite of what we cannot see and it’s our duty to trust them in spite of what we do see we have to say it in both ways some of us don’t trust them because of what we see in our face and some of us don’t trust them because of what we don’t see even though his promises are yes and amen we because we don’t see it we don’t trust them because we do see something we don’t trust what he said but in spite of what we do or do not see what we do or do not know if we were to trust him we could have comfort he speaks to him about some comfort he speaks to jeremiah about some comfort we we we get down around verse uh 26 after all the calamity that he speaks of he starts to he gives him a little bit of comfort when he tells him in verse 27 verse 26 it says the word the lord came jeremiah saying he says behold i am the lord the god of all flesh he reiterates what jeremiah said earlier is there anything too hard for me jeremiah just earlier said there’s nothing too hard there’s

nothing too hard for you jeremiah says in uh what is that verse 17 verse 17 he tells him there’s nothing too hard for you lord the lord reiterates his word to jeremiah in verse 27 there is nothing to but he he he not only does he reiterate it he puts it into form of a question behold i am the god of all flesh is there anything too hard for me he is pregnant jeremiah was praying and in his prayers you could hear his doubt look the siege mounds they have come to take the city it’s been given into the hands of the chaldeans oh lord what you have spoken lord has happened it’s happening you said to me lord buy the field with money and take witness yet the city has been given into the hand of the chaldeans lord what are you doing all these things are really happening i don’t understand so the lord comes accomplishing because he he did see he did it he did what the lord told him to do even in the midst of him not understanding he went and bought the field he’s in prison he went and bought the field it’s been the siege mounds and come and taken he went and bought the field and god had to reassure him and bring him confidence say is there anything too hard for me jeremiah understood that there was judgment upon the people because of their sins and everything he had promised to do the lord did but god reminds jeremiah of this fundamental fact he reminds you and i of this fundamental fact that he is the god of all flesh in verse 27 he will judge he will use sometimes for us even the lost things to do it and he will declare his power and in some way that i yet to understand in the end he will be glorified he will be magnified and his people will be saved doesn’t make sense but he asked us this question as he asked jeremiah is there anything too hard for me the word hard means to be beyond power or ability too difficult to do simply that there is nothing period that is unattainable for god that is beyond his power beyond his ability there is nothing too hard for him so this is the truth that i want to encourage us with today that god is still the god who possesses all power both in heaven and on earth you can see that in matthew jesus talks about it in matthew 28 he is still the god who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that we can even fathom to think or even ask for ephesians 3 20 he is still the god who works all things after his after the council of his own will let me make sure i say this right he is still the god who works all things after the council of his own will not my will not her will not anybody will in here or in this world but his own he is still the god that will comfort even our hearts today job says this i know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be forward we can be comforted by great promises that god tells even to jeremiah about the people that although israel was going to fall and although they were going to go into the captivity of the babylonians he he he tells them he tells them that he is going to bring them home once again this is the promise that we can hold true to as we look in this crazy world as we think about the crazy times that we have walked away whether we are apart from god right now we can know that even though there is a point of judgment that is going to come and we may find ourselves in a spiritual captivity that god also makes a promise that he is going to bring us home once again we can trust and know that he is going to gather those who serve him unto himself we can take comfort in that we can be joyful in that yes some of us have faced and maybe we’ll face that judgment but this is the one thing that i know he desires mercy

over judgment and it will serve to purify us and return us to him i asked lord three times to take this thing out my side so it also is with us that the lord will use crisis in our lives to mold us to grow us to develop us there is pain there’s hardship there’s suffering and there’s trials in life that makes us so much more like jesus because we can trust in what paul told the romans that we know that all things are working for the good of those who love god that those who will call the curtain to his purpose from whom he foreknew he also presented to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among the brothers so let the comfort of god promises see you through what you see going on and let us even though it may not be expedient let us speak the truth irregardless of where we are and irregardless of who is there stand firm on the word of god that that that not a single person will fall because of your words worship towards the holy temple praise his name for his loving kindness do those things and speak truth to power that his name may be magnified above all things jesus says verily i say to you till the heavens and earth pass away not one jot nor title shall no wise pass from the law till it be all fulfilled heaven and earth shall pass away the lord says but my word shall not pass away we can take comfort in knowing that by god’s proclamation by his word we have those things which he said we have and he who has made the world has also given us his word his promise think about where jeremiah was and think about what we may be facing today and ask yourself this last question is there anything too hard for the lord are you lost in your thoughts no he can save you do you need help because you’re in a time of need you can say he can help you do you have a broken heart do you need to be healed or he can heal you are you lonely you need love that no man no woman can give he can love you like no other have you fallen and you think that there’s no way that you can get back up he can restore you are you sick he can heal you he is the god of the absolute impossible there is nothing too hard for the lord he declares it from the beginning until the end from ancient times until the day until the next day his purpose will be established on this earth he will accomplish the things for his good pleasure all things are possible we just have to remember that he is the god of the breakthrough he is the god of more than enough he is the provider he is the healer he is the liver of our souls so today is the day that we turn away and we come to him and we speak that truth don’t be afraid of the terror that comes by day the lord will keep us all i know there’s nothing too hard for the lord there’s nothing hard for the lord there’s nothing too hard for the lord let know who’s your chauffeur y’all ever y’all heard that joke right i heard that one before right let god be your chauffeur know who your chauffeur is if god is the one flying the plane if he’s the one driving the car there is absolutely nothing to fear nothing oh thank you lord thank you lord and i speak this blessing yes he’s they’re gonna go get the kids now i always don’t want to forget the kids the children the future i’m excited for the future future always looks uncertain but we know god has it all under control we seem to take great joy in our young ones know that god is going to keep them that the promises he have for us or for them too and we just teach them to follow after the will of god to be strong and steadfast in his word we have nothing to fear about the future where we know that they are in the will of god they are secure and although maybe some of our young ones may may may may go the wrong way at times we can see that god is gracious and loving that he will put them back on the right path they may not understand why they have to go through what they go through to get back on that path we can be comforted to know that god has our children in the palm of his hand a blessing is not a blessing until it is spoken and so i say to you the lord keep you from all harm and watch over your life the lord keep watch over you come and go both now and forever may the lord bless you may the lord keep you may the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the lord turn his face towards you and give you peace according to deuteronomy 1 and 11 may the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you already are and bless you as he has promised you and in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit this day i decree and declare that you are the blessed the head and the tail above and not beneath a victor and never anyone’s victim and i say to you shalom which is peace harmony holiness wellness competency well-being tranquility to be with you now forevermore shall our pause we’ll see each other again in the mighty name of jesus amen



One response

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