There is so much power in the words we speak. What we say today creates our tomorrow. If we want a healthy and prosperous future, then we need to use wisdom and speak words that bring positive results. Our future depends on it.

Healing Declarations

Jesus Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the Law. Therefore, I forbid any sickness or disease to come upon my body. Every disease and every virus that touches my body dies instantly in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I declare every organ and every tissue in my body functions in the perfection to which God created it to function, and I forbid any malfunction in my body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.​Heavenly Father, through Your Word You have imparted Your life into me. That life restores my body with every breath I breathe and every word I speak.​Father, Your Word has become a part of me. It is flowing in my bloodstream. It flows to every cell in my body, restoring and transforming my health. Your Word has become flesh; for You sent Your Word and healed me.​My immune system grows stronger every day. I speak life to my immune system. I forbid confusion in my immune system. The Holy Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in me and quickens my immune system with the life and wisdom of God, which guards the life and health of my body.​The Holy Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in me, permeating His life through my veins, sending healing throughout my body. Every cell that does not promote life and health in my body is cut off from its life source. My immune system will not allow tumors or growths to live in my body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I command my body to release the right chemicals. My body is in perfect chemical balance. My pancreas secretes the proper amount of insulin for life and health.​In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I forbid my body to be deceived in any way. My body will not be deceived by any virus or disease. Neither will work against life or health in any way. Every cell of my body supports life and health. I speak to my muscles, bones and joints. I call you normal in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. My muscles, bones and joints will not respond to any disease or injury, for God’s promise of 1 Peter 2:24, “He carried away our sins in his own body on the cross so we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. I have been healed by his wounds.” God’s promise permeates every muscle, bone and joint in my body with life and health. Jesus Christ bore my sickness and carried my pain. Therefore, I give no place to sickness or pain. For God sent His Word and I am healed.

Declare the favor of god

I am the righteousness of God, therefore, I am entitled to the blessings and promises of the covenant of Abraham. Covenant favor of God surrounds the righteous, therefore, it surrounds me everywhere I go and in everything I do. I expect the favor of God to be in manifestation in my life right now. I will always have the favor of God. The favor of God is on me, it rests richly on me, it abounds abundantly in me and I am part of the generation that is experiencing it immeasurable, limitless and surpassing; therefore, the favor of God produces in my life: supernatural increase, promotion, restoration, honor, increased assets, greater victories, recognition, prominence, preferential treatment, petitions granted, policies and rules changed and battles won that I don’t even have to fight. The favor of God is on me, it goes before me; therefore my life will be exceptional from this day forward. I lay claim to the favor of God both with you Lord and with man in all my endeavors this day and every day for the rest of my life in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Bless him for his benefits

I bless the Lord for given me the privilege to see this new year of restoration, breakthroughs, overcoming and conquering,I bless the Name of the Lord for keeping me and my household safe throughout this past year,I bless Him for giving me good health, I bless Him for giving me victory, I bless Him for healing me, I bless Him for sheltering me, I bless Him for forgiving me, I bless Him for favoring me, I bless Him for saving me.

Bless him for favor

I believe that in this year of restoration, I will breakdown all strongholds keeping me from my blessings in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,  I believe that my mouth shall be filled with laughter, I believe that my tongue shall sing songs of joy, I believe that the Lord will do great and mighty things in my life in this very year of restoration in the name of Jesus,  I believe that the Lord will restore my fortunes and all that I have sowed with tears; I shall reap with songs of Joy, in the name of Jesus, I believe that all my years of fruitlessness will be transformed into fruitfulness, with a mighty harvest in the name of Jesus,  I believe that greater is He that dwells in me; the Lord will do greater things in my life in this year in the name of the Lord,I believe that throughout this year, my family and I will dwell in the secret place of the most High God. We will rest in the shadow of the Almighty, I believe that the Lord is my refuge and my fortress,I believe that the Lord will save me from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence, I believe that the Lord will cover me with his feathers and that under his wings I will find refuge in the name of Jesus.

Declare your authority to bind and loose

It is a known fact that the true meaning of bind and loose is the authority to declare what God’s mind is on a matter of doctrine or practice. This is what the early church did in Acts 15. To bind means to forbid or be unlawful and to loose is to allow or be lawful. The future tense (shall having been bound or loose) shows that this authority is only valid when used in submission to Christ’s word or teaching. It does not give the church the authority to make up new teachings later in church history. Binding in this context has absolutely nothing to do with speaking words to Satan or demons.Of course, the crucial issue is whether this is what Jesus meant by these teachings. What did He mean by the terms bind and loose? These words were commonly used by Jewish rabbis to permit and prohibit and so New Testament scholars agree that binding and loosing when used in this way, still retain the same basic meaning that they had in the Jewish culture of the first century.

Bind all forces warring against your home

I bind every power of darkness that opposes my restoration in this year in the name of Jesus,I bind all the evil hosts that may want to gather against my progress and against my family in the name of Jesus, I bind all the spirits of rebellion around all my children in Jesus name, I bind the spirit of laziness in any form in my life and my family in the name of the Lord,I bind the spirit of dryness, barrenness, and backwardness in my home in the name of the Lord.


Heavenly Father, you said in your word that whatsoever I bind (forbid/prohibit) on earth is bound (forbidden/prohibited) in heaven, therefore, I bind (forbid/prohibit) satan and every angel that was kicked out of heaven with him to interfere with Your blessings coming into my life. I bind (forbid/prohibit) every principality, every power, every might and dominion, every ruler of darkness and every spirit in high places from interfering in my life. I bind (forbid/prohibit) every one of the demons from every square inch of the soul, body and spirit of myself, and (Insert Name/s) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I bind (forbid/prohibit) every one of the demons from every area, every aspect, every action or influence in the lives or existence of myself, and (Insert Name/s) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.​Heavenly Father,

 You also said that whatsoever I loose (allow/permit) on earth will be loosed (allowed/permitted) in heaven; therefore, I ask that you give the angels of heaven charge over me, and (Insert Name/s) according to Psalm 91. Jesus, I ask that you loosen (allow/permit) the angels to hearken the Word of God on our behalf. Please loosen (allow/permit) the angels to keep us in all our ways; to bear us up in their hands lest we dash our foot upon a stone; to accompany, defend and preserve us. The Word of God says that there shall no evil befall us nor shall any plague come near our dwelling. I thank you Jesus for the excellent job the heavenly angels do in protecting us from all evil. I thank you Lord that you said in your Word that you have delivered me, and (Insert Name/s) from all the snares and traps of satan and his demons and from the noisome pestilence. And I thank you Lord that You said with long life You will satisfy us if we set our love upon You. We have set our love upon You; therefore, I/we expect long life.

Destroy all negative pronouncements

I destroy all powers that expand problems, and pray they shall be paralysed in the name of Jesus,I destroy every yoke of Satan coming my way and every evil pronouncement of the wicked people around me in the name of Jesus, I destroy every ungodly covenant I might have been enticed to make in the name the Lord JesusI destroy the curses of Baalams around me in the name of Jesus, I destroy the power of agent of debt in my life in the name of Jesus, I destroy the power of the agent of spiritual rags in my life in the name of Jesus, I destroy all the lies of the enemy that say I cannot make it in this year in Jesus name,  I destroy every trait of spiritual backwardness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

reject satanic association and suggestion

I reject my former life of living in drunkenness, promiscuousness and all forms of godlessness. I confess that I am a new creation, the old things in my life have gone and the new have come. I am a redeemed of the Lord; washed by the blood of the Lamb, and saved by His grace,I reject a life of strife and envy in the name of Jesus, I reject any relationship that may drag me into ungodly habits in Jesus name, I reject the sins of the mouth, sensual sins, malice, and hypocrisy in the name of Jesus, I reject satan’s suggestion that I will not achieve success and confess that in this very year of restoration, I shall walk from minimum to maximum in the name of Jesus.

command them to leave your marriage

We command, that all anti-testimony forces working against our marriage will scatter into irreparable pieces, in the name of Jesus, We command that the fire of God be sent into the camp of those gathering to do harm to our marriage and our possessions, We command all powers and principalities to take their hands off our marriage and everything that belongs to me in Jesus name, We command the collapse of every stronghold and tower of Babel before our marriage in this very year in the name of Jesus.  We command that every activity that does not promote the design of God for our marriage in this year to collapse in the name of the Lord, We command that mountains of impossibilities that are facing our marriage to fall in this year of restoration in the name of Jesus, 

Prosperity Declarations

Jesus Christ has redeemed from the curse of the Law. Jesus Christ has redeemed me from poverty. Jesus Christ has redeemed me from sickness. Jesus Christ has redeemed from spiritual death.For poverty Jesus Christ has given me wealth, for sickness He has given me health, and for death He has given me eternal life.​I delight myself in the Lord and He gives me the desires of my heart.​I have given and it is given unto me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, men give unto my bosom.​With what measure I give, it is measured to me. I sow bountifully, therefore I reap bountifully. I give cheerfully and my God has made all grace abound toward me and I having all sufficiency of all things.There is no lack for my God supplies all of my need according to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ.​The Lord is my shepherd and I DO NOT WANT because Jesus Christ was made poor, that I through His poverty might have abundance. For Jesus came that I might have life and have it more abundantly.​And I having received the gift of righteousness do reign as a King/Queen in life by Jesus Christ.

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